artwork.marywallace .If you're i'n pain your li*fe can' be greatl-y improved wi,th qua.lity pain _relievers taken r*espo-nsibly. Changin'g the diet. may he_lp a lot, but s_ome pe,ople still *need drugs to .reduce th-eir* cholesterol. E*ven i+f you hav.e no reasons to get, obese+ like genetic_s or_ depression,_ be careful _with *your calories! Ob-ese people +suffer eve.ry day no,t only f-rom the way t_he'y look but from *num*erous disea*ses! Your a+sthma mana'gement plan is' suppo*sed to i'nclude the +medications* used for qu_ick reli_ef! Obesity inc*reases yo+ur risk of d+evel,oping hig_h blood & can-cer of t.he breast., prostate. Exposur-e to la_tex allerge.n alone_ is res*ponsible for ov'er 200 cas'es of* anaphylaxis a'llerg+y each year. A +list of+ some "useful, foods" have* shown to* make a b'ig impact o+n yo_ur cholesterol lev+els. I've b_een a,bsolutely in-differ.ent to asthma u*ntil m.y child d'eveloped awf'ul breathing pr*oblems. S+ome* antibiotics beco*me le'ss effect-ive if they a_re taken wit'h food. Obs*erve, the instruction-s! Tight u+nderwear- is not a,mong the regu'lar _causes of erec-tile d-ysfunction, a_s people of_ten say. +Asthma is n-ot only a *seri,ous disease bu-t also a typ.e of all,ergy react*ion. M+ake sure you'*re safe! Obesit*y conse'quences can a_ffect -your health con*dition the* wa+y you don't eve.n imag,ine. Bew'are! Scientists ,have found .that so+me fo'ods (as fi-sh & walnuts) can_ help contro+l -your cholestero,l. Obe-sity rates of A_frica+n-America.n girls are ,the fas+test growing ,among any group *in the USA+. If o,ne of your ,parents, suffer+ed from obesity yo*u _should be espe-cially careful* with wha+t you ea't! Alle'rgy symptoms, give yo-u a signal_ that it-'s time to, take a new pill a-nd f-orget about all+ergy! ,Have you, suffered with _asthma for a +whil'e? Learn more _about thi,s brea'thing problem. R+ecen.t research 'finds that of h-igh-dose o-pioids d,oes not sig,nificantly inc*rease -risk of death.. All .natural unique ingr'edients _from all pa,rt*s of the world ar*e at your s.ervi,ce to improve _sex! I st+arted notici'ng certain. problems wi'th pote'ncy since* I was 26. I _managed_ to restore it'! If y-our ancestors* provided. you with -free te*ndency to ob+esity, you ,should th-ink abou_t this 'drugs. Ti+ght underwear is n*ot a_mong the re_gular cause+s of erectile *dysfunction+, as_ people of,ten say. Obe.sity's proba*bly* the only di*sease that can ,be caused by* neg_ative emotions, only. Be v'ery careful,! On,e in 7 men+ who become un*empl-oyed will dev+elop depress_ion & i-mpotence within _6 m-onths. Chocol+ate can. be given+ to asthmatics du_ring an a.cut'e exacerbation if_ no trea_tment is avail'a,ble. Do you k*now the risks o,f high- chole*sterol? Are you sur.e abo'ut the foods y-ou every da,y? Obes+ity in adul't people c-an be caused b.y many differ.ent r_easons inc'luding *family history_ & mood. Ob,esity m-edications do_n't always wor+k the _way you expe_ct them., Don't for-get t-o read this articl+e! Effec,tive n'atural remedies, for asthm_a focus, upon +understanding ro*ot causes' of the d,isease. Even +mild' asthmati.cs can die of as*thma,+ but, mostly due* to imp_roper care or _delaye'd treatment., Scientis_ts have found+ th'at some foo*ds (as fish &. walnu.ts) can help .control' your cholesterol_. I+ started cer_tain problems w'ith po.tency sinc'e I was' 26. I managed, to restore- it! 'Today is as good a_ day as any+ to_ start. The only .t+hing you have+ to lose is* those ex_tra pound-s. Chocolate can, be given t-o ,asthmatics during+ an ,acute exacerbatio_n if no' treatment 'is ava_ilable. Obe*sity causes si,gnifican+t health p-roblems. Wh+at would yo*u choose: i.ce crea,m or he*alth? Asthma is, no-t a psychologic*al conditi_on. Howe'ver, emoti*onal trigg+ers can+ cause flare-u-ps. Paink*illers can 'cause nause*a, apathy,' vomitin'g, and most ,signif,icantly, re+spiratory de.press_ion. Just _how much of a r-isk do cert'ain food al,lerg_ens pose in classr-o_oms, cafeterias, on' sc-hool gro.und? Statistics* show t'hat men don't liv,e as +long as wo*men and ar*e more at risk -of ac*cidents, *injuries.+ About 50- million people .in th+e United States s.uffe.r from some f,orm of alle_rgy a,nd asthma. As, some diseases' pr*ogress, the disea'se will i*mpact th.e funct_ion of ,muscular str-uctures of t.he penis. Myt'h: Real se-x re,quires that a ma-n ha've a good, .hard erection.* Are you stu,pid e-nough to -think so? You+'ll never get- addicted ,to a+ painkill_er if you consul,t with you_r doctor an.d ,follow instru*ctions. If _your pain i,mproves,, you ca'n sometimes be +presc,ribed a milder pain-kill+er than you take*. A*ll the secrets +of ultimate. masculine* power and- potency *are revealed- in one se*ries of l'ett+ers! Have y'our father had* pro'blems with pote+ncy? I+f yes, yo'u are in danger! ,Hurry u,p to bu.y
If you're tired, of co_unting' every single, calorie,, try out .our new +obesity tre+atment medication.* Ch*olestero*l helps your body b*uild cells_,' insulate nerves,+ & p+roduce ho+rmones. Rea'd more
Antibiotic-s play *an importan+t role i-n modern me*dicine_ fighting infecti+ons ca_used by _bacteria._ Most pe.ople who die f+rom a -severe asthma attac'k delaye.d going to* th+e hospital.. Be caref-ul! I wouldn't r-ecom,mend this medi-cation to y.ou if I hadn't* .witnessed th+e changes it pro*duces! N.earl'y all cases_ of asthma-rel_ated deaths *result *from a lac_k of oxygen,* not fro.m card-iac arrest., It's not *only your body t,hat suffer,s from pain -but ,your nerv,ous syst,em as well. Think-! Hay fever a-nnua.lly spoils lives of* thous*ands people.* Bu.t they never stop. looking_ for treatme'nt. All the. time +we think about. our cust*omers! +This u_nbelievable _sales event prove.s it! .Asthma is of the m,ost co'mmon long-term *conditions .in U*SA and m_ay be life.-threatening. Ai+r p_ollution in c*ontempor_ary megalopol*ises is so p'olluted th,at people oft*en catc.h aller.gies. Erec.tile dysf.unction is, a unive,rsal problem' that bothers me,n of a-ll ages'! Are you in? What, anti-biotics a+re meant *for is effe*ctive bac_terial infect'ions -treatment. Di_d you know, that? We al_l know that b+utter,. ice cr,eam, and fatty -meats r-aise cholestero-l. So how, do you so_lve ,it? You are a _lucky _man & we have chos_en y*ou to try ou.r most e_ffective pote'ncy ,booster! Your ri+sk of hi*gh chole*sterol in*creases i.f a mother or siste-r was a_ffected* by heart diseas*e. High ch-olesterol *is on,e of th+e major controll'able ris+k factors f*or co.ronary he_art disease-. For olde_r men, the use _of alcoho.l, even in 'small ,amounts may in+hibit er_ectile capaci'ty. Beware!. Asthma +affect's as many as 10-% t'o 12% of child_ren in the Unit+ed States.. Are +your kids_ safe? Women a_re mo-re likely to -get extr+a weight, and get o_bese than m'en! Make su,re you eat ri+ght food! In_ eve.ry family there h_as been a 'person t,hat suffer*ed from all_ergy on-ce in h_is lifetime, _true! Does _lower-ing LDL chol_esterol p+revent heart a.ttacks and_ strok'es? Read m+ore on c.holesterol. If. your ances*tors provid,ed you w.ith free_ tendency to -obesity, -you should t.hink about t+his drugs.+ Wo+men are m,ore likely to get e.xtra ,weight and get' obese 'than men! Ma*ke sur,e you eat ri,ght food!' A 60-year-ol*d man d-evelops* shortness *of breath with sl+ight e+xertion, thoug-h- he never smoked. +Although t*hese drugs ,have sav_ed million-s of lives-, the misu'se of ant+ibiotic+s causes .problems. Are wi'th your _penis size ,and i+ts perform.ance? It's hig'h time to- correct na,ture''s mistakes! Pe'ople wh_o are al+lergic to pollen o'r lat-ex may experien*ce problem_s when eat*ing some f*oods. Peop,le wi*th asthma have 'what +are sometimes ca,ll,ed "sensitized", airways. .Check yours*elf n'ow. Food all*ergy are v,ery rare but _you shou,ld be ready +to control. an,y type of a*llergy in yo+ur kids! T.oday th-e era of ultim+ate mascu+line per-formance begins!, the new medi+cation! In,flammatio.n, or swel*ling,, of the lining o,f the air'waysis obs.erv,ed in peop-le who have ast-hma. Learn* everything_ abou_t asthma inclu*ding +asthma caus*es, risk factor,s, an*d preventi_on. Alcoh,ol, impotence' and subst+ance abuse -is five ti'mes more c_ommon +in men than 'in women*. Antibiotics do- their job_ on b+acterial' infections like +strep t+hroat, ear_ infections 'and so on.' Men. should take brea*ks _when cycling long d_istances, 'as 'it can badly af*fect er,ectile functi,on. Look at, that_ vanilla- cake! Do*es it really loo.ks t*hat tasty? Is it- worth yo*ur nice sl'im figu*re? Our cult'ure fos,ters the tendency .towar-d obesity:. physic_al activi'ty isn't require.d in our so,cie,ty. The facts abou,t childre,n and ob,esity a,re some of t.he most sho-cking. *Contact us to- lear-n more! Si,nce the time *when impotence +knocked .at my door -I h-ave tried dozen_s of us+eless drugs! +Taking* medication-s in order -to stay slim & h-ealthy* is no't that stupid 'as it ma,y seem, ,believe me! Appro-ximately -4 percent *of all al'lergy 'sufferers have i*ns'ect allergie+s as thei*r primary al_lergy type. _This mo*nth we provide+ huge ,discounts for o.ur best an.tibiot.ics so .you can save- a lot buying i.t! If th*e man+'s health is nor*mal, erection*s should _be auto'matic, m-y ex-wife used 'to tell me.* Rubbish!* Pa*in relief medicat,ions as any_ othe+r drug 'are aimed at imp-roving your ,life and c*ondit+ion. While asth,ma sy+mptoms ca.n begin a,t any age, most 'children. have th*eir first sy_mptoms by 5.- Early _asthma wa+rning si*gns includ,e frequen-t cough, es-pecially at nig'ht .and feeling tired. .W*eight-loss surg+ery off_ers quick solut*ion for _your p-roblems but it's -the most .danger-ous as well*. Here's_ some good news. _To lowe*r the cholest*erol, you_ can act'ually ea+t more of ce+rtain* foods. High ,choleste+rol is one ,of the m'ajor cont+rollable risk fac.tors, for coronary h_eart d'isease. Pa+in medicines. are also c,alled an'algesics. E,very type- of pain medic,ine h*as benefits ,and risks. Boy,s twice as likel.y *to develop se'vere ast,hma as girls, bu-t the exact- rea*son is unknown. L,e+arn more abo*ut asthma attac,ks and why *early trea,tment is i_mpo_rtant to prevent, asthma! O.besity c+auses signif.ican,t health *problems. But* you aren't in d+an-ger if you*r eating mode is h.e,althy! Though asthm'a symp+toms _vary, they i'nclude coughing, _wheezing+ &tight fee'lin-g in the chest. M+ost .allergy-provokin.g grasses a,re wi,despread th.roughout th.e wor,ld. Have your dru-g o-n you! Failur+e to achie,ve an erection 'more t+han 50% of 'the time,* indi_cates a serious+ health- problem. 'Avoiding aller_gic peop,le does not sav.e you _from allergen,s t.hey are *everywhere, +watch out! Ob'esity significan,t healt.h problem*s. But yo+u aren't in da*nger _if your e.ating is healthy! A+ major c'ause of sever,e asth-ma is ciga'rette, 1st or 2nd hand., A-void smoking! F_ood are v.ery rare but .you should. be ready to .contro'l any type o,f all-ergy in yo_ur kids! If you .have be'en prescribed *to .take painkillers* you*'d better read- as muc,h literatur.e as you, can. We off'er you .a chance to i*mprove yo'ur sexual heal,th a*nd your fina.ncial condit_ions! You sh*ould neve.r cons+ider weight-l*oss surgery_ to be the_ only cha_nce to conquer. .your obesit-y. Doctors' are less li+kely to diagn-ose men with _depressio,n than, women. Now .think- what's better. We' offer +you an unpr-ece,dented opportuni,ty o+f buying c-heap cholesterol l,owering dr_ugs! Some_ peop'le with ast-hma may -go for extended p_eri,ods without having. any 'symptoms. I hav*e* never believed* in medicatio-ns like V+iag_ra, but I managed +to get- rid of *impotence! Ach*ievement _of a healthier. w.eight & heal,th problems avo-id_ance force+s people to l.ose extra _ Vegetarians are *at+ much lower r_isk of gett,ing obese', as well .as sportsmen
_Think about +i*t! Does low+ering LDL' cholesterol p'revent hea*rt att-acks and strokes? ,Read ,more on c+holesterol.* Pollen, is already h,ere! It's time .to' close your window's and .doors or
t*ake a_ pill & en-joy life! Amer_ica's most po,pular impo+tence medic+ations .have nev_er been that. cheap*! Try out_! Try a more effec*tive medica*tion befo*re a ,nocturnal asthm+a at,tack takes yo'ur li_fe away. Sedenta-ry way of li.fe i's one of the- most popular* reaso-ns for p.eople to gain+ extra. weight and ,suffer. At w'hat age do ,you to lose* your sexual p*ower and s_tart you'r never-endi'ng strug-gle? If -you been pres-cribed to tak+e painkiller,s you+'d bette,r read as much lit+erature as+ you. can. Early asthm*a war,ning signs _include los'ing your bre,ath easily .o+r shortness of C_ardiovascula+r disease ca+n follow 'sever+e obesity*! It's not the,er of beauty,' but health as -well+! About 3' % of Ameri'cans, or 6.8 m+illion, were *morbidl*y ob,ese in 2005, accor+ding* to statistic,s. It is, true that consu,ming to,o much* alcohol can a+ffect a m+an's *ability to .get & maintain .erecti_on. When it c'omes to- effective -bacteria-l infections t'reatment wha_t you ne.ed is a goo'd antibio,tic. +Do you want a d+iet to l'ower cholest-erol? Learn -mor*e now and live l'ong,+ cool and happy l,ife!_ In every +family there h'as been a' person tha_t suffered fro.m -allergy o-nce in his li-fetime, true!* About thr+ee out of_ four with ast_hma in* the USA conti,nue to have+ symptoms *as ad-ults. Fo.od allergen*s can cr+op up in *the least su+spected product_s, includin'g be,an bag chairs, le,arn more.-.. Ant.ibioti+cs are not recommen+de-d for a col+d or flu*, as this i-nfections -are caused by v*iruses+. About 80% of' the bod'y's choleste'rol is pr-oduced by- the li-ver, & the r,est comes from ,our .diet. An-tibiotics will ,not cure* viral illnesses-, suc,h as: ,colds or flu, most, co*ughs and bronc,hitis. +Tobacco and alc+ohol ab.use can -damage b_lood vessels or res'trict .blood flow. to your penis-. Pe,anut allergies a-ffe+ct 1 - 2 % of +Americans-, but ca.use the* most sever*e food allergic +react-ions. Asthm.a is a disease w*hic,h affects _the bron+chi, or airways,. carry-ing air in +and out ,of the lungs. Ther*e' are two maj_or drawbacks of a*nti.biotics: bacter'ial resis*tance a*nd harm*ful side effects! T-he epidem_ic proporti.ons of obe*sity in +the U_nited States s+hould make y_ou th-ink about your w'eight+. The majorit,y of. well-know,n and popular o'ver-the-c-ounter and pr-escr'iption allergy *medic+ation! Non-b'reast children_ run a high'er ri-sk of auto.immune diso+rders and are, mo're prone ,to asthma. Pain,killers ,don't become les,s effec_tive if you 'take them, for a .long t,ime. Learn, more about it! A_ child t+hat is o,verweigh,t will likely be *overweight+ as an a-dult-. Think abo*ut your k'id's future! We ar_e waiting' for *you to try our br-and. new impotence +tre.atment! You're- welcome! M_en ag.ed 45 or ol*der and wo*men after 55+ years are ,at increased r-isk o_f high cholester-ol. Myt*h: Real s,ex requires_ that a m*an have a goo,d, hard ere.cti.on. Are yo+u stupid enough t_o t-hink so? Abou_t 33.+3 percent of Amer-ican men and' about+ 35.3 pe.rcent of America-n women 'are obese. T*here're *many effe*ctive pai*nkillers f.or all pa-in types & t,here's no *reason *to suffer u+nnecessarily. doxep*in Menstrua+l Irregular,ities Pun.arnava '[punarnav.a] nemocid letro-zole Mico,hex Sham_poo Pets,+ Lamis_il Cream, [lamisilcream] (,ter'binafine) Lacta_tion va_starel mr here-ditary +angioedema -clozap.ine discoid lu'pus erythem'atosus Sli*mfast* Obesit'y, Weight Loss, Management Rum_alaya -Arthritis, S+pondylosi-s, Inflamma*tion, Fi_brositis, *Bursitis, Syno*viti's, Capsu*litis, Tenosynov.itis, My*ositis, S.ciatica, +Arthralgia,_ Gout, ,Adhesive C*apsulitis Vr*iksham-la Coreg (Ca-rvedilol*, Dilatrend, E.ucardi_c, Carloc) asacol -Endoc+arditis azibiot. metfo-rnin s,our stomach [loten*si.n] (Benazepr-il) adoair pr*otopic* Detrol [de+trol] (Tolterodin.e Table+ts) Prednis+olone (Or,apred., Millipred, Delt_aco-rtril, Deltas_tab, Pred,nesol) lergig,an ' Hypertension, H.igh Bloo+d Pressure Sle+ep Tea Sto-p Augmentin' Bacte*rial Infecti'ons, _Antibiot_ic Compazine * Nausea, Vomit*ing,. Psychotic 'Disorders, Schiz*ophrenia_, Anxiety,_ Psychosi*s Prinivil' (Lis-inopril, Ten*sopril, Z,estril, *Hipril, Ca,race, lisin*opril hctz, l'isinaopri_l) Noc'turnal Enuresis .13 Tramad*ol (Adola*n, Anadol, Cont*ram+al, Dolol, Do+lzam, Dromad.ol, tr,amadal, Ixprim, _Ralivi+a, Trama'dex, Trama.l, Tridural,, Utram, Ultra.m +ER, Zamadol, Zydo+l, Zytrim, ,pain, *ultracet) 1.51_% Diovan [*dio,van] (Val.sartan, Va_ltan, Valza*ar) Xopenex (-Levosal*butamol, l+evalbute+rol, Levolin) _ Starlix [.starlix]. (Nategli'nide, diabetes, .Fastic, G.linate,. Glunat, Star*sis, Tr-azec) MS Teno*synovitis .strep thr'oat leukor*rhea acetazol'amide Te+st Human+ Growth +Hormone (.hgh) M ,Macrobid Bacte-rial Infectio_ns, Antibi-otic, U'rinary Tract +Infectio-ns, Cysti'tis Xo,penex (Levosalbut+am_ol, levalbuterol,, Levolin.) Glucos-amine _& Chondroiti.n Arthriti_s, H'ealthy Cartilage Co'mbiga*n (brimoni'dine, tim.olol) fincar_ purim allosi-g Misopros,tol (Cyt-otec) C-ystone ' albuterol flu,rbiprofen, eye drops mome*tasone A'uti*sm chicken pox Lip_osafe +Weight _Loss, Ob*esity VigR-X Erecti*le Dysfunction, Ma*le Enhan_cement-, Erect.ion, Impotence Opht-hacare_ Eye Dr*ops Conjun'ctivitis, Eye+strain., Eye Inflamma+tion P.sychoti'c Disorders Acai _Natu+ral Energy *Boost W,eight Loss, +Obesity, Weig-ht M+anagement ant_ibiotic Progra_f (Ta,crolimus,' Advagraf, Pro_topic) Bipol'ar Disord'er reg-onol al+fuzosin Yaz. (Crisanta ,LS) (drospireno+ne, e_thinyl estr,adiol) ap*petite Tylen-ol (Paracetam+ol,, Acetaminophe'n, pain,* anacin) Mestin'on (Pyridos*tigm'ine Bromide, Reg.onol) Tora_dol _ Pain, Analg_esic, Eye Floven*t (Fluticasone p'ropionate, Fl+ixo-tide, flohale). arcoxia tr,iglyceri,des Skelaxin' Mus'cle Rela.xant, Muscle' Pain, M,uscle Sprains, M'uscle Strai_ns, Ana,lgesic, M+uscle Spas_ms chlor*promazine Di-tropan (Oxybuty_ni-n, Ditropan. XL, oxytrol)* flomaxtra H-imp'lasia lofibra- Female Li,bido prav.achol gramone,g Tra+nsplantation. Tylenol (Pa.racetamol, Ace_tamino+phen, pain, a'nacin) P*enis- Growth Oil' Penis E'nlargement, Acidity Asth*ma arthral_gia Oral Th-rush ,Protektor Spr-ay Pets, F-leas, Tick*s Microlean [-microlean]_ (Weight Lo+ss, diet*, die-t pills), kwellada-p riz,atrip*tan Rogaine H-air Loss,. Hair Regr*owth, An.drogenic A-lopecia, B'aldness *Gas finara Via'gra Plus Liore_sal + Spasticity, Sp.asms, Mul-tiple Scler-osis, P_ain, Musc_le Spasm_s, Muscle Pai_n phenazodin_e kidne,y disease Ventr+icu.lar Fibrillati_on erythema *multif_orme Pyrantel P-amoate Sus*pensi.on Hook_worms, Round.worms*, Worm Infesta.tions Laxa -Tea fibromy+algia di.ltelan _Multiple Scleros,is Zo-virax [zovira'x] (Acyclo*vir, Acicl'ovir, Cy*clovir, Her_pex, Aciv-ir, Zovirax, Z.ovir) *Sleep +Tea dibelet. amlodipi*ne besylate +Gleevec (.Imatinib, Glivec,) runny ceftin N'iaspan (vi,tamin .B3, nicotinic, a+cid, niacin) Ste-rapre'd (Omnipre+d, Prednison_e, Deltaso'ne, Liquid Pr-ed, Me,ticorten, Oras_one, P-rednicen-_M, Sterap'red, Sterapred DS, 'predisone+) _neurocysticercosis' Cr-estor Chol-esterol, Ath-erosc+lerosis, Hypert,riglyceri.demia, Triglyc*erides, +High Chole.ster.ol, LDL, HDL Tra*veler'_s Diarrhea Endo.metritis* Casodex (*Bicalutam.ide, Cosude-x, Calutid_e, Kalumid, B'ica*lox) premat-ure ejaculatio_n Virility -Pills Chlor.oq'uine (aralen, 'Avloclor, Cad,iquin,. Delagil', Lagaquin-, Malaquin,+ Malarex', Malarivon,., Maquine+, Nivaq'uine, Reso.chin, Chlorquin) Sc,iati_ca U Ultimate +Cialis Pack. ('Cialis + Cia,lis Soft T+abs + Cial*is Oral Je,lly) (, cialis) Z*el-norm Irr.itable Bowel Sy*ndrome, -IBS, Constipa*tion pr*evention ,of organ rej+ection L_amisil (, +Terbisil, Zab+el) [mi*crolean] (Wei*ght Loss, _diet, die*t pills) clofr'anil, Toradol (Ket'orolac, k.etorola,c trometham+ine) Uveitis Ea,r Infectio'n N, Naltrexone - Alcohol Depen_dence, Opi-oid, Dependen*ce, Addiction, Dru-g Addic+tion, Alcohol.ism_, Alcohol Addict.ion, Drinkin+g, +Abstinenc,e anemia Tor_semide Edema,. Congesti_ve Heart Fa-ilure,- Renal Disease+, Hepatic D+isease-, Chronic, Renal Failure,* Diuret,ic, Hypertens.ion., High Blood Pres*su're dolol flo_xyfral Ro,binaxol Musc_le Spasms L L+ami.ctal (La+motrigine) asaco+l Keppra 'Epileps,y, Seizure,s quinate No*rvasc Hy_pertension,, High Blo_od Pre*ssure, Coronar_y Arter,y Disease-, Chroni'c Stable Angi'na, Vas-ospastic Angina