artwork.marywallace You need* to ch,ange your' behavior and a*ttitude to+ food i'f you .really want t'o lose that ,extra! If you' have early w'arn,ing signs or s_ymptoms, yo_u should ta*ke more medicat,ion. Men without+ ide'ntity and -a sense of purpose* often de*vel+op serious mascul_ine hea*lth pro.blems. Yo'u may be given ot+her medi+cines| su-ch as muscle re,laxant, drugs ,to take with your_ p.ainkillers. You sh*ould never_ get ove.rex,cited when s+truggling 'with your extr.a kilos. Act -reasonably,, dude! 'As women a'nd men g*et olde_r, their cholest,erol levels. rise. r.easonably to stay* healthy! O-besi_ty increases -your risk *of devel_oping high b*lood pressure' &+ cancer of the* breast, +prostate. If *you* have asthma-, even the s'lightes_t respirat_ory tract infect*ion* can trigge'r an asthma ,attack. The food. you provide_s with ca_lories a_nd if there are ,to_o many you s*tart getting st.out. out D+id you know th'at -more than 55% 'of adult *Americans, - 100 million p_eople -' are overweig,ht. People- who are 'obese a_re at a muc'h higher r+isk f*or serious medic_al cond'itions and d-iseas,es. An inc_reased sensitivit.y *to sunligh,t is common when yo+u' take antibi-otics. Ta_ke good care!+ Learning to .take relaxi-ng deep b*reaths' when you feel s-tre,ssed can halt yo*ur asthma a,tta'ck. If you have, extra w,eight +you are at risk o.f serious- health* problems th*at may+ occur due to .obesity. Ant*ib-iotics are com*monly pre-scribed, for respiratory, infec.tions, bu-t they are caused -by virus'es. If, you don't w,ant to, go under th-e knife for a .chance of re_sto_red potency, try 'this drug!+ Asthma. often .results fro_m air pollut-ion. But t'here is a ,trusted w_ay to say +Good bye to -asthm_a! Why wou'ld your doctor sh-ake his. head _if your chole'sterol repo+rt says, trig.lyceride'*s hig*h? Sinc,e the time wh_en I start+ed taking this* amazin-g medicatio*n, wome'n call m,e 'passion'!_ You may be gi-ven o_ther medicin,es| suc*h as anti-infl'ammator'y drugs to t+ake with .your painkill_ers. If you h-ave asthm-a it is v.ery impo.rtant not, to smok'e and keep away+ from s*moking peo'ple! This mont.h we pr,ovide h*uge discou*nts for our +best antibiot+ics so y.ou can s'ave a lot b,uying it-! You should ne*ver get o.verexcited, when str,uggling with *your ext'ra kilos. Act* rea_sonably, dude! A+ntibiot.ics effe'ctively prev+ent any. bacterial *infections ,from spre-ading ov*er your organ-ism. D-o you thin,k that size really+ m*atters? What matter's is if. you have any_ erection *at .all! Stud.ies show that per'sisten*t pain c+auses changes in, the brain- and spin'al cord' causin,g more pain,. What is mo+st imp.ortant in obes_ity treatment_ is ,losing weight *gradually '& mainta.ining w*eight loss. S_ometimes .antibiotics may c-aus'e stomach' upsets, *diarrhea, .yeast infectio,ns or other +proble_ms. In m,ost cases, kids* with high c_holest*erol have a p*arent who als_o -has elevated c.holesterol._ If yo-ur child produce-s w+histling or sound,s wi-th each breath, ma-y be i_ts ast-hma attack. _This will chang*e your wh*ole life!- It will bring har_mony and *sex into. your family +life!_ We offer ,you an unprec-edented 'opportunity- of buying- cheap* choleste+rol lowering *drugs! +Men make up+ 96 % of the wo_rld prison p'opula_tion. It i.s often caus*ed by po+tency problem_s. It is- not normal f,or a+ man to los-e erectile_ function co+mpletely as- a result of .t.he aging process. _Did you+ ever* wonder if _those some extra *pou'nds classified +you as' just overweight ,or as *obese? Do_n't be stu'pid to the +chance to buy b,est e+rectile dysfunc+tion drug+ at half pri,ce! F'orty percent of' non-Hispan_ic ,Blacks and nea,rly one quarter_ of Mexica,n *Americans are obes+e. Do you 'know that .wo,men over age 20- should have* their_ cholesterol c*hecked by .th,eir doctor. Air po'llution i-n contempor-ar.y megalopolis_es is so pollut.ed tha't peopl'e often catch alle+rgies. Ca+n y,ou imagine ,yourself long--long life wi'thout a hint_ of sex?' It's impossi'ble! Tight' un-derwear is *not among the causes of. erectile dy-sfunctio*n, as pe*ople often_ say. What_ we offer y_ou today is_ a revolu'tionary treatmen-t for c.hroni'c asthma. 'Just feel goo.d again! Under*sta.nding the c.hanges that occu-r in ast_hma, a'nd how it c'an behave+ over time, is vital. Acu,te urticar*ia is co.mmon, af*fecting 10 - -20% of t.he populati+on at some t+ime in +their lives. Yo'ur risk of ,diabet'es, heart dise-ase, s.troke, a.rthritis and s*ome cancers i'ncreases i+n case o.f obesity.- Abou-t a third of .all peop.le suffer-ing from asth,ma in the US-A are +children u.nder age e_ighteen. Befor_e the age. of men*opause, women h*ave l.ower chole,sterol leve.l than men of, th.e same age. .When it comes- to erec'tile dy.sfunction there ,is no time t.o wast+e. You have to -ac't fast! I h+ate my extra+ weight bu,t I can not _get rid of i't, no ma.tter wh+at I try. I .am ready for+ sur-gery now! I. know nothi'ng about, the ingredi'ents that are in'cluded ,into this an'tibioti'c, but it re'ally _works! You_r risk of high ch_olest+erol increa+ses i-f a father or bro,ther was ,affecte_d by heart +disease.' Antibiotics wi*ll not+ cure vira*l illne*sses, such as: col-ds or _flu, most coug.hs and' bronch_itis. The nu'mber of ov,erweight+ and obese- American's has incre'ased continuousl*y since y_ear 1960-. Our 'top-quality inhale*rs have a-lready sa*ved liv*es of man_y people sufferin.g fro_m asthma. Bron,chial t+ubes that* are chronical-ly. inflamed become ,overly sensi.tiv'e to aller*gens or irritan,ts. Why shou*ld I worr,y about 'extra *weight if I'm *slim* and beautiful? Ob_esity w,ill n'ever come? When it+ s'eems that there is+ no. hope, look aro+und. Someone+ is re.ady to give yo+u a hand!- What is ob-es_ity for you? -A myth or your n*ightmare? +An'yway, this a*rticle is me.ant for you, f.riend! *This medicat*ion will p,rovide+ you with *the sexual- energy you nee'd to. live happily! W-hen 'given ant+ibiotics_, take them exa'ctly as presc,ribed. N,ot more, b,ut n_ot less as well! ,Someti'mes it is +very har+d to tell whe.n an illness is+ caused b*y a viral_ or ba+cterial i,nfection. Wha,t are th,e top 5 .secrets of natu+ral me+dicine that work +miracle*s on your po,ten,cy? Overwe'ight and obe-sity are ,the nightmares *that frighte*n half th.e people al*l over +the world, .friend. Abo+ut 75% o.f patients wi+th a,sthma also have ,freque.nt ga*stroesophageal re'flu,x disease. Inflamm'ation, mucu,s pr-oduction, & mu'scle const'riction shri-nk the. airways* if you +have asthma. Obesi_ty – thi's shor,t world .scares people al,lover the. wor+ld to deat-h. Those people who+ u'nderstand! Many' men feel th+at t.he sexual encount*er m.ust end if- he star-ts to lose an er.ect,ion. But thi's is no s-o! The wor-st thing o*ne can do is t'o take o_nly a few of t.he antib+iotic *prescribed.* Don't act stupi-d! Abou+t 95 per cen_t of chil,dren with p+ersist'ent asthma sti'll +have symptoms in+to their _adult-hood. While there'+s no asth*ma die't, there are sp,ecific -guideline-s for eatin,g well with as-thma.- A perso+n may have all* asthm_a symptoms at o_nce like:*ath shortnes+s, coughing* & wheezin+g. Another_ study reveals .that olde'r adu*lts are likel_y to die f*rom asthma,. Are you ,protected?_ If you fight+ with severe o,bes+ity with cr,ash dieting- you shoul+d be ready to* regain wei_ght very .soon. Acco-rding to *the National* Audit Offic+e, being ob*ese can+ take up t.o nine y+ears off y*our lifespan.' Le+arning to take rela.xing d*eep b-reaths when you fee*l+ stressed ca.n halt your asth+ma attack-. Obe.sity – this shor_t world sca*res' people allov-er the worl'd to_ death. Those peop,le who_ understand! J-ust* how much of- a risk do c'ertain food a'llerge,ns pose in clas,srooms*, cafe*terias, on scho-ol groun+d? It *is estimat,ed that about 1 in- 10 a-dult males su*ffer* from impotenc'e on a, long-term basis-. Best _doctors .al over the wo.rld use an*tibiotic,s to trea't their pat*ients' bacter_ial infecti'ons. Some p.eople* stay on the sam.e -dose of painkil_lers for man'y mo'nths and t-he drug is stil,l effective.. Allergy' treatmen,t options v'ary from per.son, to a pe,rson. We are pr_oud t-o offer you a new d+rug!, Allergy p*revalence has b_een*g since the ,early 1980s acr.oss all age_, sex a*nd racial gro*ups. We* offer *you an un*precedented oppor'tun'ity of buyin_g cheap ch-olesterol low_erin-g drugs! A new env.i*ronment may t*emporarily -improve asthma, sympto+ms, but it_ will no+t cure asthma. .Man_y people report' nausea. and sometimes ,vomiting af.t'er taking strong _pain -relief med+ications. Your a+ge, acti'vity, gen+es and ps*ychological mak.eup d'etermine your -pred-ispositio_n to extra weig-ht! Recogniz,ing thes+e signs,+ you can s+top an asth-ma attack+ or prevent on*e from gett-ing .worse. Superb d+iscou_nts for asthm'a medication_s! Hurry +up to _try a new tr-eatment for 'your asth'ma! Men w*ithout i'dentity an.d a sense of pur+pose often- develop .serious 'masculine. health pro-blems.' The major,ity of well-kn*own and po'pular over,-the-c,ounter and pres_cription+ allergy m+edication! I' know nothin,g abo,ut the i,ngredients tha_t are incl*uded in_to this antibiot.ic,, but it really _works! The ,lesser, known effects *o.f obesity ma-y include Parkins'on,'s disease, 'a neurologica_l di'sorder. No+n-breast child'ren more often ,suffer +from alle'rgies and ast+hma,, than breast*-fed chi-ldren. Men* aren't l.ikely to visit .health profe-ssion+als & they ,may miss+ chances to 'improve t.heir health., Men are l*ess lik-ely to v_isit healt-h care providers & .they m,iss out on c+hances to 'prevent illn,ess. Ere*ctile dy,sfunc+tion will ,not be given a c'hanc*e to ruin your lif'e! Hurry t.o buy -the drug! T'he prevalence' of report,ed foo+d allergy cases+ in+creased 18+% among ch.ildren un,der age 18 yea,rs. It's t.ime to +refill y_our home med-icine chest+ with super-.powerfu+l impotence t'reatment! In m+ost+ cases, kids wit_h high cho*lester.ol have a par-ent who _also h,as elevated _cholest,erol. Penicillin_ is a common_ cause, of drug. allergy. Rea'ctions to pen_ic,illin cause 400 dea-ths a' year.* If one of you+r paren-ts suffered _from obe-sity you *should be especi+ally c*areful with- what you e'at! Whether' you de*cide to have_ weight loss* surgery or n.ot-, understandin_g your c_ondition is vi_tal_. Obesity p,uts a person at in_cr_eased risk fo_r developing os,teoart'hritis and h*igh bl-ood Sometim*es it is ver+y ha-rd to tell+ when an il*lness is caus-ed by a or bact,erial infe*ction. The r'isk, of antibiotic- associated d_iarrhea ,rises_ with how ofte+n and ,how long the- drug is taken. -More wo_men o+ver 45 have high ch-ole-sterol than m'en. It 'is a good reaso.n to t'ake care no-w! We c*an not protect- you f*rom asthma but we +can _provide you -with som'e effect-ive medic+ation! When your b-ody g.ets too- many calories it _accumu,lates the *fat & you get o_be_se. Horrible, is*n't, it? Why doesn't_ my asthma+ inhaler work,? inhaler -is the +best one *to choose? Lea-rn now! a-re the 6th l.eading' cause of 'chronic d'isease in the U_nited States.+ Be careful+, m*an! It's, all about ulti,mate ma_sculine attracti.venes.s and s'exual perfor-mance! Lea*rn more now! Eve*ry one i-n five Ameri_can. teens has unhe*althy choles,tero_l levels,, and risk for h+eart, disease. I _know nothi*ng about .the ingredients th+at are _incl-uded into this* antibiotic, +but i-t really works! ,In fact, +obesity inc-reases y_our r_isk of dev'eloping diseas-es and even de-ath. A,nd th+at's not all. *Obesity can +strike not_ only adu'lts b+ut alsp children 'and, adolescents t*oo. Take care o'f you'r family,! Your tot_al body fat_ determi'nes your h_ealth condition a.nd your ,wellbeing-. What's abo-ut that, man+? Shoul-d healthy pe'ople take _choles*terol-lowering+ drug eve-n i*f they hav.e no high cholest.erol? Guess' what that' i+s: caused by poll*en .or dust and resul'ts in runn_ing +nose and wat*ery eyes? 'What are* the current _NCEP chol_esterol tr_eatment gui,delines? Lear,n more -about ch+olestero'l! Learnin*g to take rela'xing dee*p breaths when _you .feel stressed can_ halt your- asthma a,tta,ck. ED is .inability to cons.iste,ntly attain an er,ection s_uffi.cient for satisfact.ory se,xual pe'rformance. Sexu-al l*ife is something .tha.t makes us fee.l happy an+d neces-sary. What's life* w+ithout sex? A+bsolutely ,new med_ication for effe.ctive in*door and. outdoor_ allergy sy_mptoms trea'tment! Your 'total body_ fat det-ermines your h'ealth condi_tion and yo*u'r wellbeing. Wh,at's about* that, man'? Almost 2 o.ut of 5 te.ens rep_ort having f.riends that a-buse pr.escription .painkil'lers & other *drugs. 'We don't* know what it me+ans t-o suffe,r from asthma but_ we how to help' thes.e people. T+aking medica*tions in_ order to sta'y slim ,& healthy i_s not t+hat stupid *as it ma-y seem, be,lieve me! Self-m+anaging _asthma day to* day is i+mportant -to breathe w.ell, s_tay act-ive, and live _normal* life. While asthm,a symp'toms can be-gin at any 'age, mo*st children h'ave .their first s.ymptoms by* 5. Risk f'actors *for allergy ar+e nume_rous & you won',t be ab+le to prote*ct yourself from* everyth'ing_! Effective natura-l +remedies for, asthma focus upo'n unde+rstanding _root c,auses of the +disease. Foo+d alle,rgy testing i*n the' doctor's of,fice involves ,either- a prick skin te_st or a b+lood test. C_hoose! _If you 'suddenly -faces impotence, -don't _panic, s+low down and* go b,ack to forepla'y. It may w*ork! Do'es LDL chol'esterol pre'vent heart- attacks +and strokes? R.ead mor+e on cho*lesterol._ Absolutely+ new medic,ation for effe+ctive 'indoor and outdoor, aller*gy symp'toms tre_atment! Your lev'el of ob+esity, ov-erall health *and motivatio.n d_etermine the trea_tme+nt methods you_ choose! _The rate of +obesity diff-ers f+rom state to s_tate, whic+h is prob*ably a_ reflection of- various_ factor-s. Everything yo,u n*eed to get rid of ,ere_ctile dy*sfunction is her_e at your 'disposal! ,Come on! I,n the. past, many p'eople +thought obesit'y was si+mply caus+ed by & un*der-exerc.ising. Colds*, influenza an_d cough_s are c*aused by viruse-s no_t bacteria, so *antibiotics wi.l,l not help. W*hat are the top' 5 se.crets of natu_ral me.dicine that w_ork mi-racles on your po'tenc.y? If your ch'ild produces- whistlin+g or hi_ssing sounds ,each breath, ,may be its attack+. O*ccupational, asthma *is caused by_ breathing in f,umes, +gases, pollen o.r du+st while on th-e jo_b. Allergy+ treatment +options vary fro_m perso,n to a pe,rson. We+ are prou-d to offer +you a new drug!, If yo*u are overw+eight, lose. weight_. Even a small w'eight los,s helps l'ower y_our bad chole.sterol_ The higher_ your bloo*d cholester_ol level, th*e greater your+ ri_sk for de,veloping heart dis+ea'se!!! Asthma is no,t only a s-erious dise-ase but- als'o a type of re'action. M*ake sure y+ou're safe! Alcoho'l, impo.tence +and substance abu,se is- five time,s more co.mmon in men th_an i*n women. More w*omen over _45 have hi,gh cholestero,l than men,. It ,is a good reaso'n _to take care *now! If you don-'t wa+nt to go _under the knife' for a chan.ce o_f restore'd potency, try* this d*rug! is high time t_o think ab*out yo.ur cholest+erol leve+l and ask* your doct.or for a di_et plan! cough me,salazin,e Trental [tre'ntal] +(Pentoxif_ylline, Pentox-il) 'glibedal cr-ohn's disease_ Lumigan (Bi-mato-prost) Hypertr_iglycerid*emia 'Vitamin E — Vitam_in erec_tion sha'tavari art+hritis Pre'dnisolone- (Orapred, M+illipred,, Deltacortril,, Deltasta-b, Predne,sol) D Da.nazol — Endo.metriosis, F+er-tility, Infertility', F'ibrocystic B-reast Di,sease, H,ereditary Angioed.ema* Hypertension Barbe-r's Itch* uve*itis Galantami'ne (Niv*alin, Razadyne*, Razadyne,, Reminyl)_ glucosa.mine sul.fate cetil A,denoma* Lasix — Diu+retic, Hear.t Failure, Edema,, High B.loo-d Pressure, H-ypertension Eye* I*nfection Cel.ebrex (Celeco.xib, -Celebra, Cobix, Ce,lco_xx, Selecap,, pain) Glyb.uride [glybur*ide] +(Glibenclamid,e, Daonil,. Diaben, Amec,ladi+n, Apo-Glibe.nclamide, B,enclamin,. Betanase, Be,tane_se, Bevoren_, Calabr'en, Clamide, Daono,' Debtan+, Dia+bitor, Dibelet, E-uclamin, Eu*glo'tab, Euglucan,_ Euglucon,' Euglu*sid, Gilem*al, Gliban, Glibe'd*al, Gliben, Gl*ibenclami+d, Gl) isozid y'ashtima_dhu He*rbal hyperl+ipidemia* saroten Synt.hroid (Levothy'roxine,, Eltroxi*n, Evotrox, Thyr,ax, Euthy*rox,' Levaxin,_ L-thyroxi*ne, Thyrox, E-utirox, Lev+oxyl, levoth,roid) Dri-nking Xope'nex (_Levosalbutamol, l+evalbutero*l, Levolin)_ Diarex ,[diare,x] Cial_is + Viagra P'owerpac-k — ED, Er'ectile Dysfu.nction, Erec+tion, Impote.nce medos*tati'n Zaditor (ket,otifen ,fumarate) Eye In-flam,mation Ayurv,eda enalapril. Chloramp-henicol [chl+oramphenicol+] (Veticol,, A.lficetyn, A,mphicol, +Biomicin, Chlor_nitromyc,in, C_hloromycetin, F+enicol, Laevo,mycetin, Ph,e'nicol, Medicom, Nev*imyc_in, Vernacetin) ,Combiv'ir (Lami+vudine/,Zidovudine) Ba*yer ASA As*pirin —, Fever, Pain,. Headache,, Prevention* Of Heart At'tack, I.nflammation Ul-tracet (Tra_madol) 'motife_ne razadyne Pl_an B .[planb] (-Levonorgestrel, Le+vonelle, N-orLevo, P,ostinor, b_irth cont*rol, levlen) +oral thr-ush Obsessiv+e-Comp'ulsive Disor+der Slimpuls,e +(Weight Lo+ss, diet, di,et pills) Retrov*ir [ret.rovir] (Zidov-udine, R-etrovis, A,zidothymi-dine') migraine Aca+i Natu.ral Energy Boost +— Weigh't Loss, Obesi_ty, We*ight Man*agement albendazo_le Os_teoarth-ritis In Dogs 100% +Pure Okina_wan C_oral Cal_cium klerimi*d meningitis_ toc,opherol envas, REM Ag*ain (sleeping* aid, sleep' aid, sleeping* pill's, sleepaid) _antipressan E+rosive E'sophag,itis ara'len high choleste'rol Hyzaar- (losar_tan + hydrochl-or.thiazide) (Losar*tan, Hydroch'lorothia+zide) _ Levonorgestrel -[levonorg'estrel] ('Plan B,, Levon-elle, NorLevo, Pos'tinor, bi_rth con+trol, levlen) b.ael Zoc,or (Simva.statin, Siml,up, Si+mcardis_, Ranzolont,+ Simvado'r)) meticorten Cycl_ospori*ne Eye Drop_s (restasis_) (Isoxsupr.i-ne) Caverta (Viagr_a, Silden,afil, Citrate) A*ccupril — Hyperte,nsion,' High Blood 'Pres,sure, Congestive. Heart Fai.lur.e Himcospaz. ibandronate so+dium a_mprace k_etipinor Inc+ontinence Hyza_ar (losarta,n + hyd'rochlorthiazide-) [] (Lo,sartan, Hydroch.lorothiaz-ide+) G Galant,amine (Nivalin,, Razadyne, -Razadyne-, Reminyl-) Ventricular Ar-rhyth.mia super- active e'd pack p'yrantel pamoate -anafra-nil Elavil (Am_itryptil_yn, Am*itrip, Try.ptanol, Endep, .Elatrol, Trypt,izol,_ Trepil'ine, Laroxyl, S+aroten, T'riptyl_, amitriptyline). Dysentery *Famvir+ (Famciclovir)* Triamte,rene — Edem_a, Flu_id Retention, Di'uretic_, High Blo.od Press,ure, Hyper'tension Sumenta' — Slee-p Aid, Re'laxati*on Aid, In'somnia FMF Folic A,cid ('Vitamin B9,) Skin Infection+s revatio_ 4 Viagra. Super Acti_ve-+ (Sildenafil citra'te) 5.41_% St'romectol (iverm*ectin, Me_ctizan, Iv_exterm, Av*ermect'in) flavedon Alp*hagan. (Brimonid*ine) In*testinal Bl'ockage suprax n'aprogesic' Declom+ycin — Ba'cterial Infectio+ns, An,tibioti'c, Acne, B*ronchitis, Lym'e Dise+ase, Hyponatremia c*ontracept_io,n Orgasm Enhanc.ement Cardura. — Urinary, Ou*tflow Obstruction+, BPH, Hy_pertension, ,High Blood_ Pres-sure, Benig,n Prostati'c Hyper.plasia Dilantin (,P+henytoin, Phenyte,k, E-pamin,, Fenytoi*n, Eptoin, Ph.enh,ydan) disulf,iram Ant-abuse (Disulfiram,' Antabus) .Hypop*lastic Anemi_a tridural 'mobec P-rozac ,(Fluoxetine, +Fontex, Ladose, 'Sarafem, S,ol*ax, flouxeti+ne, fludac) I.modiu*m (Loperamide') iop Prove*ra — Ir+regular P.eriods, End+ometriosi's, Dysmenorrhea,, Amen*orrhoea, -Menstruati,on pro-erex Bo_ne protectio.n Belching Ci, Professio'nal (Tadalafil) -anogen+ital p,ruritus serpin'a Sum'enta tristoj,ect Comed.ones Contracepti-on sexu,al receptozine *Advair [-advair] (Fluti,cason+e/Salmeterol,* Sere'tide, Viani, Ado+air, -ForAir, ,advair diskus) Mec'lizine [me'cl'izine] (Antivert, +Bo*nine, Bonam'ine, Dram.amine, D-vert, Uni*vert,' Vertin.) Lipitor — High +Cholesterol,_ Hyperli.pidemi'a swelling' Exfolia*tive Derm+atitis terazosin_ Optic Neu'ritis- omnatax Proben-ecid -(Benuryl, Bene,mid, Proba.lan) Inde_ral (Prop.ranolol, Inde-ral LA,' Avlocardyl, D'eralin, D+ociton, Inde-rali'ci, InnoPra+n XL, S'umial, Anapr*ilinum) ri.baspher_e iressa Neem _— Skin' Health, Detoxifi,cation, B*lood Purif.ication e'ye press.ure cro,tamiton Nimotop .— High B.lood P*ressure, Aneurys,m Vi'agra Plus stratt'erra -neurobion f-orte (b1.+b6+b12) sqworm Pa_in Bal,m Mouth U.lcers Asendin* [asendi_n] (amoxapine', A.sendis, Defanyl,+ Demo+lox, Moxadil*) climanor