artwork.marywallace Obesity_ increas_es your risk o.f devel_oping hi_gh bloo,d pressure & c.ancer of t'he bre,ast, prostate. +People who t_ake paink_illers m'ust foll.ow thei,r health c_are professio_nal's i.nstructions ca.refully. _Each year .people spend hu*ge money _on die+t consulta.nts, books and -pills, but 'o.nly few lose ,weight.' This month .we provide *huge discounts *for our ,best anti-biotics so yo,u 'can save a lot bu,ying *it! This simple a.llergy che+ck list, is for you. to make _sure' that you'+re out of dange'r! Hurr_y up! Cholester-ol risk fact'or is. a con+dition that incr_eases your c+hance of ge-tting a h+ear_t disease. Treatm+ent i_s rarely nee'ded if men be.tween 4-0 and 50 'face i,mpotence in 20% of. the- time. Plan,ts such as poi+son ivy-, oak and sumac. are -the most com'mon *skin allergy trig-gers. Wa+tch out! *Immuno,therapy ultima+tely works i.n up to '80% of peo-ple wi*th perennial allerg*ic rhini*tis. Ab,out thre*e out of f,our childr,en with asthma_ in the USA c*o*ntinue to have sym' as adults.- Obesity does n'ot have to- ruin y_our lif-e; proper exerci_se a+nd diet ca'n overcome it. D-o it n.ow! I_ always fee'l sorry about ob*ese & over+weight peopl,e. ,They have so_ many p-roblems in their. lif+e. Cholesterol_, a chemica.l compou+nd produ-ced by the bod,y, i*s a combin.ation of f,at and steroid.' If y.our ancestors prov*ided yo-u with ,free tende,ncy to obesity, y'ou *should think ab-out this, drugs. Do y'ou have a_ny probl-ems with sex? 'The+y all can be, solved for-ever w,ith one single pi.ll o-f… It is vitall*y import'ant for yo,ur health+ to observe doct+or_'s instructions w.hen taking, pai*nkillers._ Specific types -of pa+in may respond b'etter to on,e k_ind of pai'nkillers than* to a+nother kin-d. Asthma i+s characterized ,by bronch-ial tubes- inflammation'. Learn h+ow to pr-event _the disea*se! Smoke is a_ powerful tri*gger of as-thma sympt*oms., Take care of t-he air you. breat,he in! Do you- cough or wh,eeze after -exercis_ing? If 'so, you* may have exerc*ise-induced -asthma. Your- ast.hma manageme_nt pla*n is supposed t-o include' the me.dications us_ed for quic,k relief!+ Long term _over consum-ption o,f alcohol- affects all s-ystems_ in the body, i.nclu,ding sexual functi.on. Child,ren may +have h_igh chol.esterol level. It 'can pro'blems when t*he child gets o*lder. Sede.ntary, people burn- fewer c*alories tha'n people who .stay _active all thei,r life. It's, a.bout obesit_y! Did you know t+h,at more than 55% -of adult Am-eric_ans - 100 million' people -* are ov,erweigh+t. Men ,can find it h.ard to talk+ about phy+sical disco,mfort or emot,ional dis*tre-ss with physici+ans. .Low self-este.em, guilt, emoti.onal str_ess, or+ trauma+ can lead ,to overeating r'esul-ting in obesity. I+f it is yo+u who' depend o_n season,al allergy than it' is high, time fo,r you to try ,out our new 'drug! 'Examples .of all+ergens that m-ay trigger asthm.a ar+e pollens, mo*lds, an,imal dan,der & dust- mites. I always 'feel sorry 'ab*out obese & overw*eig*ht people. T,hey have so m*any in ,their life.' Screening- is adv+ised for kids w*ith a family h+istory- of high chol-ester_ol level 'or blood- fats. If it .weren't .for painkillers th*ere_ could have be_en much more* p*eople in the worl*d. Air pollu_tion' contribu*tes greatly .to the amount o,f peopl+e suf.fering from. allergies 'in the cities. W.hat. is your lifeti_me _goal? Is i,t restoring. your potency! Oh,- man it's, easy as- A-B-C! O*besity increa*ses *your risk of deve'loping ag.e-related m+acu_lar degeneration+ cataracts+ & stroke.* It is i+mportant to -let th*e doctor. know if yo,ur pain co,mes bac*k before th,e next dose is 'due. Studies' show that _m,en between the age+s of 40 an.d 70 fac+e severe pro-blems wi-th pote+ncy. Did you kn+ow t_hat the *number of -obese chil.dren has nea_rly double'd over the past 2.0 year-s. Women suff'er* from obesity just* as o'ften as m'en do, but they g-et. depressed much m.ore often. +T+he use of alc,ohol prior to +or d*uring sex is' not recomme'nded. It nay r* in erect-ile dysfuncti,on. Does th_e duration _of your s*ex depend on* the lengt_h of y*our penis? +Let's find it- out! Th,ere are+ no cures for .allergies.* Allergies+ can be m,anaged w-ith proper pr'evention an_d treat_ment. Men. can find i_t hard -to talk about_ physica*l discomfort _or e'motional distre*ss .with physicia,ns. Asthma is a, chro'nic lung _disease th_at inflames and, narrows th-e _airways. Pay attent.ion!* The liver al-l the cholester'ol .the body needs. B*ut it als_o enters you_r bod*y from fo+ods. Approxi'mately- 3 million ch.ildren unde.r age 18 _years we,re reported to 'have a food_ allergy-. Gosh! , Air po+llution in contempo-rar+y megalopolises' is so pol,luted that+ peop,le often catch a*ll.ergies. An_tibiotics be ta'ken for the full am_ou'nt of time pre,scribed by yo'ur doc_tor. Watc*h out! Virtua*lly al,l types -of antibiotics a+ct only 'on replicating _bacteria. ,It. can be tricky s.ome-times! Feel -free to improve _your sex'ual perfo.rmance and l*ive- long and happy *life of a -woman_izer! That heada-che ex+cuse won',t get her- out of doing it+ tonight., Learn how -sex impro*ves you.r health. You +have a 6%+ chance of ha.ving asth,ma if neith+er parent. has the c,ondition'. Are y,ou protected? _Obesity doe,s -not have to r+uin your, life; proper exer-ci_se and diet c-an over_come it. Do it. now!, Swimming +is an optimal exe*rcise for t,hose w*ith asthma.. Think 'twice before +make 'your choice! Twent.y millio.n America+n men suffer+ from *some form of er.ect'ile dysfunction. +Are+ you 1 of. them? I don't ,need *neither miracl_es, no*r magic to have g.reat .sex at the a_ge of 55! _All I need' is… B+eing overweigh_t is a* risk factor fo-r heart disea-se. It a-lso te*nds to increase+ your ch.olesterol. addiction is, becoming -one ,of the most .common fo*rms of drug 'addicti.on. More w_omen over -45 have h,igh cholesterol -than m*en. It is a _good r-eason to, take care now! .It sometime-s ta*kes time and c_are t-o get things exact+ly right w,hen+ taking pain reli+ef m_edication. You+r ag.e, activity, gene_s and psyc'hologi*cal makeu,p determin,e your p*redisposition to e+xtra* weight! Food, aller_gens can +crop up in t*he least suspe+cted *products, incl+uding bea+n bag ch.airs, lea,rn more... It is_ vitally im'portant' for yo+ur health to o+bserve doctor.'s, instructions whe-n ta_king painkillers,. Not b,eing active is. *a risk fact-or for he*art disease. Physic,al 'activity can hel.p lower ,chol.esterol. M_y lifestyle is not_ health+y enough but -I am s,ure, I'm 'far from the_ risk of 'obesity. .Everything is T-est know your' cholesterol+ because* lowe+ring it lessens ,the_ risk for develo-pin_g heart disease! C*ho-lesterol can bui-ld up 'on the in,side the blo'od vessels o.f you,r heart. That'+s no w*ay healthy!+ There are many my+t_hs about painkiller's, 'especially s+trong pai,nkillers such' as morph+ine. As*k your doctor w.hat he- thinks abo,ut the 'antibiotics you t'ake.+ May be yo.u'll be surpris'ed. A_bout 75% o,f patients wit*h asthma al'so have- frequent- gastroesophage*al -reflux disease.+ Antibiot,ics must be' taken for, the ful+l amount o-f time prescrib.ed by -your doc*tor. Wa-tch out! Severe a,llerg_ens require sev+ere meas.ures!_ We offer you t+o try o'ur innovativ+e allergy treat.ment. Do' you cough *or w,heeze after ex'ercising? If. so, you ma'y have *exercise-indu.ced as,thma. N,ot all alle,rgy treat,ment options are .truste_d and popula,r! A.nd sure not al+l of them+ are effective+. I d+on't need neith,er miracle-s, nor mag.ic to have .great s,ex at the 'age of+ 55! All I need* is… W_hat are t,he most pop,ular meth+ods of erectile +dysf_unction treatmen*t? Learn mo+re n*ow! If y*ou're tired of c+ounti,ng every single _calorie, _try out our_ n,ew obesity treatm_ent me_dication*. Erectile d-ysfunct'ion may be cau_sed by ph_ysical factor's, psyc-hological fac'tors or by me_dicatio.ns. Y_our age, activit*y, ge+nes and psyc-hologic_al makeup d'etermine your p-redis,position to *extra w.eight! Ph-ysical illness is* a ma,jor contributory ,fact,or in m.en developing me+ntal de-pressive conditi.ons.' Antibiotics wi_ll, not cure viral .illnesses, s-uch as: sor,e_ throats not _caused by strep+, run_ny noses.* An esti_mated 97 million_ Amer_icans suffer - 5_9 millio,n are overwei.ght & 38 mi'llion are .o.bese. Antibiotic's will- not cure v_iral illn*esses, such as: c,old, s'tomach f,lu and some ea-r inf_ections! May -be it's' time to find o-ut what is _the reas*on of yo+ur obesity. L.ear how to ,control you-r weig*ht now! Mo*ving to ano_ther ,location is* no guarant,ee of relie+f for aller*gy Do+n't hurry to m+ove. Antibiot*ics are, the first lin_e o+f defense against- many in'fections.. But t.hey do n.ot affect viru'ses. Some pe'ople -stay on the sa*me do_se of painkiller.s for many- months 'and the dru-g is stil_l effectiv'e. Since t_he time when' I started ,taking th,is amazing- medicatio'n, w.omen call me 'pas_sion'! A mo+re .effective do'se or a +different dru+g can be use,d if you dos-e is not en-ough to st+op pain.. Since, pain_kille+rs are us.ed as medicine t*hey -cannot be banne.d like t*he other l,ethal drug's. Wh.en asthma* symptoms get more- intense, and/or. additio,nal symptom-s appear, t_his is an atta,ck. Men wi+th erectil+e dysfunc*tion have* new hope. W_e will break+ the dis_ease down fo.r you, fo.r sure. Few_ _years in a new+ location,+ make people s'ensitized t'o _new environm+ent and asthma r_eturns_. Asthma is .best c,ontroll-ed by having an _asthma mana+gement -plan des*igned by you+r docto_r. Asthma t-ends to ,get worse at nigh,t. Noctu+rnal asthma at.tacks occu,r while *a pe*rson is sl+eeping. Both p*artners ca_n suffe.r if ere_ctile dysfunc*tion goes *untreated. Be 'responsible. to your+ partner. M+ost +researcher.s believe t,hat different *patt,erns of asthma are. all rela*ted to_ one condition.' H+ypersensit*ive immune syst,ems are .at risk as they_ are more p.rone to vari,ous a+llergens. M*en are. less likely, to seek medical_ att*ention than* women. And th+eir pro_blems r.emain uncured. -Early+ asthma warning. sign.s include w*heezing or co-ughing after 'exercise, , moody. Yo*u may be* given other 'medicines| ,such a+s antidepress+ant drugs t_o take with y'our pai,nkiller's. Don',t be stupid to m.iss .the chance to bu*y be,st erectile dy.sfunction -drug at ha+lf price! Is -your n+atural hormone- production- en.ough to have sex* se'veral times per' night? Check' out! Sinc-e .painkillers h'ave been discov.ered peopl+e all+ over the world* t_ake them every day.* Even_ with _advances in trea+tment, as'thma deat_hs amon+g young pe,ople have more *that doub.led. The mai.n diffe'rence of t'his impot'ence trea+tment is th+at it reall,y works! See y,ourself! Me+n with -erectile 'dysfunction. have new *hope. We+ will b+reak the dise*ase down- for you, for s+ure. Overwe_ight & o.besity '.re def,ined as abnorma+l or e.xcessive fat+ accumulation. that* impair health. Ch,olester'ol is a fat_-like mate*rial .in your .blood. And your b.ody ma,kes its own 'choleste+rol… Best way to. chole*sterol in kids i's wi_th a diet a_nd exercis+e program involvi_ng t_he fami_ly. Fighting ob-esity rem*ember, +that loosin_g weight too .quickly is no +good! Don'-t get t-oo ke*en. Though+ not curable, as*thma 'can be co_ntrolled wi+th drugs and. by av.oiding conta,ct with tri+ggers. All.ergy treatment o+ptions var,y _from person' to a person. We 'are p+roud to_ offer yo-u a new drug! Peop'le who get _all'ergic sympt-oms the winter se-ason ma.y be allergic t.o mold s-pores. Swim_ming is an .optimal 'exer-cise for tho+se with -asthma. Think twic_e bef+ore make your +cho+ice! If you ar.e ready to- make +certain chan*ges in your l_ifes_tyle to lo*se weight you are .like-ly to succ_eed. If a pe*rson is+ allergic to flow,er pollen h.e obvious+ly sh'ould try' our brand new all+ergy med*ici+ne. It's a wel,l-known fact th_at older- adult-s who suffer fro.m asthma h,ave *poorer lu+ng function. Yo.u wan,t to know w_hether the imp*otence medi_catio'n I take -works? Ask my *wife, she'l,l tell! Eve-n .if you can bear- the pain it'.s better, t sto-p it with ,pain killing 'medic*ation that .to suffer., Remember, red'ucing .the amount of +fat i*n your die't helps lower *your blo.od cholester*ol level. S-tudies- show that men+ between_ the of 40 and 70* face .severe prob-lems wit+h potency. Your t+otal *body fat determ*ines your h,ealth co.ndition an+d yo*ur wellbeing. Wh-at's ab+out that, man? +At pre*sent we talk- a lot +about antibiot_ic medicines'. But -how much. do you know a'bout it? +Stop ,waiting for _bacteria -to catch you by ,su+rprise! Try ,our super ,effective a*ntibiotic and ,relax! We.ight regain _after -obesit.y treatment i_s quite a normal, thing, bu_t I ,know how to main'tain- weight+! Let your docto'r choose- the most ,approp-riate plan for* you t_o get rid _of those extr.a kilos of fat*. The-re are no+ cures for aller.gies._ Allergie*s can be +managed wit+h proper .prevention and t.reatment. . The _lesser known effe*cts o'f obesit+y may include Pa,rkinson'-s disease, a ,neuro-logical disor,der. -One of the most c.ommon al_lergy ca,uses is her*edita_ry factor! Check +your family' history no+w!' If your chi,ld prod+uces whistling o'r hissin'g sounds with _each bre.ath, may be. its asthma* atta+ck. If you are_ one of o*ur subs_cribed c'ustomers -don't miss your g-reat op_portuniti,es! Your daily_ calorie i.ntak,e can be .the key poin't in your stru_ggle with se-ver_e obesity. Try* it out now! P'eop'le tend to ove,reat .all the time and _fi_nally many of' them become_ obese. *Is it your p'ath as. well? Your_ symptom*s may be mild duri*ng on+e asthma atta,ck and s_evere du'ring ano*ther one. You+r penis deser-ves a ,better life,! Make a' great gift for it, – buy- our prem.ium medi*cine! How. much weight _would you _like t'o loose as a resul_t ,of obesity trea*tment? It's a*ll poss-ible, man. R_ecognizing_ th*ese signs, yo_u can stop a-n asthma a+ttack or pre+vent one fro_m gettin*g worse.' The key to, effective 'antibio+tic treatm*ent is to 'use the weakes-t antibiot*ic to, do the jo.b first. I_f you want to' get r_id of ob*esity changes .in your, eating and a-ctivit-y habits may .not be eff_ective! Losing, weig*ht throu+gh a healthy d-iet and regul-ar exercise, is muc.h better than+ wei-ght-loss- surgery. Th+e more you know _ab+out your medicat_ion befor*e takin-g it the .better for y.ou! Believe m-e! You can n+ever _imagine any a'dult who has+ n'ot yet been pr.escribed a *cours-e of antib_iotics. I .can not fin.d the tim-e for exercising a'nd 'cooking health_y food-. But I hope I .will nev-er get o*bese! You cannot, out_grow asthma. The _symptoms, ,how*ever, may- reoccur an.ytime in adultho'od. I_ know w-hat you need, to stop' impotence playi_ng d-irty tricks o.n your sexua'l life, du,de! When yo+u are tak'ing painkil+lers be. sure to ta_ke them. regularly as *prescrib'ed by your doc'tor. Disc*over whic,h forms of* exercise, are best for, people wi*th 'asthma and how+ to control' it. I kno*w nothin.g about the ingr_edien-ts tha+t are included int-o thi,s antibiotic, b'ut* it really w_orks! Any antibi-otic can .cause a+ntibiotic-assoc*iated col*itis. Be r,eady t*o consul_t with your docto-r! Thora_zine (_Chlorpromazi-ne) gerifort*e Cozaar —* Diabetic Neph*ropathy, -High Blo+od Pressur,e, Hypertens_ion, Dia*betes, Stroke., .Stroke Risk, +Left Ventri'cular Hy+pertrophy+ caduet P_rednisolone — 'Asthm,a, Uveitis, Py.oderma *Gangrenosum, R'heumatoid Arth,ritis, -Ulcerative .Colit-is, Temporal Arte-rit-is, Crohn',s Disease, Be+ll's Palsy, Mu,lt-iple Sclerosi.s, Cluster H+eada-ches, Vasculitis, *Acu,te Lymphoblas-tic Leukemia, ,Autoimmune ,Hepatitis_, Systemic 'Lupus E*rythe_matosus, Derm_atomyosi-tis kler*imid lotrisone Tap+eworm,s erymax Erythr'omyci*n (Robimycin,, E-Mycin, E.E..S*. Granules, E.E*.S.-200, E.E.'S.,-400, E.E.S.-400 _Filmtab-, Erymax, Ery--Tab, E*ryc, +Ranbaxy, Er.ypar, EryPed,, Eryped 200, Er_yped 400', E+rythrocin Ste_arate Filmtab, E'ryt'hrocot, *E-Base, Erythrope,d, Ilos'one, MY-E, Ped'iam+ycin, Zineryt,' Abbot) Z.etia (Ezetimib.e, Ez-etrol) 'mebedal Chronic +Rena'l Failure Infarc*tion R.isk comedo.nes avapro Bactr,oban [ba,ctroban] (,mupiroc*in, Turixin, C-entany) dup_rost 'Metronid_azole Gel [m'etronidaz-olegel] (Flagy'l, +Metrogel, -Metrogyl) d_eprax Acular ('Ketorolac, k+etorolac tr*omethami,ne) Ginseng +— Adaptoge+n, S-tress Resi,stance fam,otidine BPH pr_ednesol Re+ctal Bl-eeding gynec*omast_ia Bone Metastases ' [pimozid+e] (Orap, m*ozep,) Cozaar (Losart,an) .Chloroqu-ine [chloroquine,] (aralen, A.vloclo.r, Cadi*quin, Delagil,, Lagaquin, Mal_aquin, M.alarex, Mal*arivon,, Mali+aquine, Maq*uine, Nivaquine, R+es.ochin, Chlorquin') Vytorin. (Ezetimib+e/Simvastat,in, I.negy) kid*ney function Tetr+acyc+line (Sumycin, .Terramy+cin, Te-tracyn, Pa.nmycin) micard*is Kytril — C_ancer, +Chemotherap,y, Nause_a, Vomit*ing Evista (Ra_loxifene) +Elidel, Cream — _Atopic Dermatiti*s, Eczema *Arcoxia [.arcoxia] (E.t*oricoxib, Algix', Tauxib, -pain) Quick--Detox Weeke,nd Princ.e [weekendpri-nce] isoki+n leukor'rhea Cyclosp+o'rine Eye D+rops — Dry Eye,, Tear ,Production, Kerato-conjunct.ivitis .Sicca *Triamterene —. Edema, 'Fluid Ret'ention, Diu'retic, High -Blood Pre'ssure, Hyp'ertension_ Purim Hydro'chlorot_hiazide (.Apo-Hydro, Aquaz-ide H, Dichlo+tride, _Hydro'diuril, HydroS-aluric,' Microzi'de, Oretic_, Moduretic, Inderi,de,+ Dyazide, Aldac+tazide, Al,dori+l, HCTZ, HCT, H_ZT) Famili'al Me'diterranean Fev*er prometh*azine Anov,ulati_on Ïîêàçàòü êàòåã.îðèçè,ðîâàííûì 'ñïèñêîì , Acute Coronary _Syndrome' Tenosynov-itis Ker+atitis tenormi+n Glu.cosamine +& Chondroitin' (Chondro-itin Sulfate,_ glucosamin_e sulfate)+ so*minex Lipotrexate —. Weig-ht Loss, .Obesity filarias'i's Inderal '(Propranol*ol, Inderal LA-, Avlocardy'l, Derali,n, Dociton,_ Inderalici,, InnoPran XL_, Sumial,* Anaprilinu'm) memor_y aneurysm _Theo.phylline (dim,ethyl.xanthine, .Uniphyl) r+izatriptan' gas HIV Tes,t — HIV, Te-st Atopic De_rmatitis+ In Dogs Mefloq+uin_e (Lariam) Low L-ibido T+etracycl,ine [tetracycl,ine] (Sumyc,in, Terr-amycin, T'etracyn, Pan.mycin) hy*pokalemia 'Pelvic Inflam+matory *Disease Lipi*tor (A_torvastatin, At_o'rlip, Lipva*s, Sortis, Torvas't, Torvaca*rd, Total_ip, Tul_ip, lipittor*, lipator, li+ptor) Ear *Mi*te Micohex Shampoo_ (_Malaseb, Chlorh*exidine Gluc*onate, M-iconazole' nitrate) feb*antel- Dementi_a Dexamethasone. (decadron, _Dectanc+yl, Dexamonoz*on, D*exona, Dexa+sone, *Diodex, Forte_cortin, Maxidex', Oradexon,- .Wymesone, DexPak) 'Gasex ['gasex] Gener_al Health. levono,rgestrel/e*thinyl estra.diol Skelaxin+ [s-kelaxin] (-Metaxalone, pain+, muscle r'elaxer, mu,scle re-laxant) gins-eng Hem_ophilia Atten'tion-+Deficit H_yperactivity Disor,der Zan_aflex+ — Spasticit-y, Muscle Re_laxant,_ Muscle Spasms, -Pai_n, Fibromyalg+ia Eczema Thyroi*d Suregas.m acticin C,re_stor — Chole+sterol, Ath_eroscl.erosis, Hypertri_glyceride'mia, Tr+iglycerides, Hig,h Ch,olesterol*, LDL, HDL Le*an Tea Organ, Rejection* I Imitre_x — Mig,raine, Pain, He*ada'che advair_ Prinivil [-prinivil] (Lisino-pril, Tenso.p'ril, Zestril, Hipri'l,+ Carace, .lisinopril. hctz, lisinaopril)+ Caf,ergot [cafergot]* (er.gotamine tartra.te, caffein+e) thread'worm Stomac.h Pain t-rane-xamic acid Heart_ Ur-sodiol Glucotrol +XL (Glip.izide', glucotrol)+ Levaquin (Le,vofloxacin,_ Tavanic, *Gat-igol, Leb+act, Terlev*, Cravit, Lev'ox, Levores) -Glyburid+e — ,Diabetes, *Blood Sugar sarot_en Lov+astatin (Diluc-id, L,iperol, Lovastin*, Mediso_rbin, Medos_tatin, Mevac-or, Me-vinacor+, Rovaco_r, Altoprev) *Selegil,ine (Eldep'ryl, Emsam, Zelap_ar) quies,s Zantac [zan*tac] (Ran*itidin_e, His*tac, Ranit'il) dixarit buspir'one tredol ,rumala.ya X X'alatan (Lat_anoprost) L-evaquin [l'evaquin] (L'evofloxacin, _Tavanic, G_atigol, L'ebact, Terlev_, Cravit,, Levox, _Levo-res) Osteoarthr'itis St+rattera — ADHD,' At'tention-Defic,it Hyperactivi*ty Dis+order cor'vo methocarbamo.l Sumenta di+phenhi,st Sle'epWell [sleepwe,ll] (Slee_p well, sleep,, sleep'ing aid, +sleep ai*ds, sleep aid, s_leeping) P+heochr+omocyto'ma Fleas A.ccutane — Acne, .Skin Health _Yaz (C+risan_ta LS) (dr.ospirenone,* ethinyl estradi_ol) Amebia-sis +Viagra — Erec+tile Dys_function, M,ale Enhance-ment, Erec-tion, Impote-nce Eating D+isorder D+ogs Folic* Acid+ (Vitami_n B9) [folicaci*d] (fol.acin) Pain Atrip+la [at'ripla] (efavirenz, .emtricitab*ine,- tenofovi_r) Hyzaar (-losartan + _hydrochlorthiaz*i_de) (Losartan, H*ydrochlorothi*azide) * pinworms .thyroid' Pheromone +Perfume for Wo*men (and.rostenone) a-valide Ad_hesiv,e Capsul'itis Dulcol*ax (Bisacodyl) _lida+ mantle imiprex n'oroxin luc,en Elavil *[elavil]' (Am-itryptilyn, Amitrip,, Tryptan,ol,, Endep, Elatr.ol, Tryptizol., T*repiline, Laroxyl, ,Saroten, T_rip.tyl, amitriptyli+ne)- Nexium — ,Gastroesoph*ageal Reflux_ Diseas+e, GERD, Erosive *Esophagitis,, Gastri-c Ulcers', Duode.nal Ulcer, Zo.llinger-E+llison Sy_ndrome m_enopause Panadol .Extra _[panadolextr-a] (acetamin+ophen, p*araceta*mol) kapikachhu