artwork.marywallace Obesity_ increas_es your risk o.f devel_oping hi_gh bloo,d pressure & c.ancer of t'he bre,ast, prostate. +People who t_ake paink_illers m'ust foll.ow thei,r health c_are professio_nal's i.nstructions ca.refully. _Each year .people spend hu*ge money _on die+t consulta.nts, books and -pills, but 'o.nly few lose ,weight.' This month .we provide *huge discounts *for our ,best anti-biotics so yo,u 'can save a lot bu,ying *it! This simple a.llergy che+ck list, is for you. to make _sure' that you'+re out of dange'r! Hurr_y up! Cholester-ol risk fact'or is. a con+dition that incr_eases your c+hance of ge-tting a h+ear_t disease. Treatm+ent i_s rarely nee'ded if men be.tween 4-0 and 50 'face i,mpotence in 20% of. the- time. Plan,ts such as poi+son ivy-, oak and sumac. are -the most com'mon *skin allergy trig-gers. Wa+tch out! *Immuno,therapy ultima+tely works i.n up to '80% of peo-ple wi*th perennial allerg*ic rhini*tis. Ab,out thre*e out of f,our childr,en with asthma_ in the USA c*o*ntinue to have sym' as adults.- Obesity does n'ot have to- ruin y_our lif-e; proper exerci_se a+nd diet ca'n overcome it. D-o it n.ow! I_ always fee'l sorry about ob*ese & over+weight peopl,e. ,They have so_ many p-roblems in their. lif+e. Cholesterol_, a chemica.l compou+nd produ-ced by the bod,y, i*s a combin.ation of f,at and steroid.' If y.our ancestors prov*ided yo-u with ,free tende,ncy to obesity, y'ou *should think ab-out this, drugs. Do y'ou have a_ny probl-ems with sex? 'The+y all can be, solved for-ever w,ith one single pi.ll o-f… It is vitall*y import'ant for yo,ur health+ to observe doct+or_'s instructions w.hen taking, pai*nkillers._ Specific types -of pa+in may respond b'etter to on,e k_ind of pai'nkillers than* to a+nother kin-d. Asthma i+s characterized ,by bronch-ial tubes- inflammation'. Learn h+ow to pr-event _the disea*se! Smoke is a_ powerful tri*gger of as-thma sympt*oms., Take care of t-he air you. breat,he in! Do you- cough or wh,eeze after -exercis_ing? If 'so, you* may have exerc*ise-induced -asthma. Your- ast.hma manageme_nt pla*n is supposed t-o include' the me.dications us_ed for quic,k relief!+ Long term _over consum-ption o,f alcohol- affects all s-ystems_ in the body, i.nclu,ding sexual functi.on. Child,ren may +have h_igh chol.esterol level. It 'can pro'blems when t*he child gets o*lder. Sede.ntary, people burn- fewer c*alories tha'n people who .stay _active all thei,r life. It's, a.bout obesit_y! Did you know t+h,at more than 55% -of adult Am-eric_ans - 100 million' people -* are ov,erweigh+t. Men ,can find it h.ard to talk+ about phy+sical disco,mfort or emot,ional dis*tre-ss with physici+ans. .Low self-este.em, guilt, emoti.onal str_ess, or+ trauma+ can lead ,to overeating r'esul-ting in obesity. I+f it is yo+u who' depend o_n season,al allergy than it' is high, time fo,r you to try ,out our new 'drug! 'Examples .of all+ergens that m-ay trigger asthm.a ar+e pollens, mo*lds, an,imal dan,der & dust- mites. I always 'feel sorry 'ab*out obese & overw*eig*ht people. T,hey have so m*any in ,their life.' Screening- is adv+ised for kids w*ith a family h+istory- of high chol-ester_ol level 'or blood- fats. If it .weren't .for painkillers th*ere_ could have be_en much more* p*eople in the worl*d. Air pollu_tion' contribu*tes greatly .to the amount o,f peopl+e suf.fering from. allergies 'in the cities. W.hat. is your lifeti_me _goal? Is i,t restoring. your potency! Oh,- man it's, easy as- A-B-C! O*besity increa*ses *your risk of deve'loping ag.e-related m+acu_lar degeneration+ cataracts+ & stroke.* It is i+mportant to -let th*e doctor. know if yo,ur pain co,mes bac*k before th,e next dose is 'due. Studies' show that _m,en between the age+s of 40 an.d 70 fac+e severe pro-blems wi-th pote+ncy. Did you kn+ow t_hat the *number of -obese chil.dren has nea_rly double'd over the past 2.0 year-s. Women suff'er* from obesity just* as o'ften as m'en do, but they g-et. depressed much m.ore often. +T+he use of alc,ohol prior to +or d*uring sex is' not recomme'nded. It nay r* in erect-ile dysfuncti,on. Does th_e duration _of your s*ex depend on* the lengt_h of y*our penis? +Let's find it- out! Th,ere are+ no cures for .allergies.* Allergies+ can be m,anaged w-ith proper pr'evention an_d treat_ment. Men. can find i_t hard -to talk about_ physica*l discomfort _or e'motional distre*ss .with physicia,ns. Asthma is a, chro'nic lung _disease th_at inflames and, narrows th-e _airways. Pay attent.ion!* The liver al-l the cholester'ol .the body needs. B*ut it als_o enters you_r bod*y from fo+ods. Approxi'mately- 3 million ch.ildren unde.r age 18 _years we,re reported to 'have a food_ allergy-. Gosh! , Air po+llution in contempo-rar+y megalopolises' is so pol,luted that+ peop,le often catch a*ll.ergies. An_tibiotics be ta'ken for the full am_ou'nt of time pre,scribed by yo'ur doc_tor. Watc*h out! Virtua*lly al,l types -of antibiotics a+ct only 'on replicating _bacteria. ,It. can be tricky s.ome-times! Feel -free to improve _your sex'ual perfo.rmance and l*ive- long and happy *life of a -woman_izer! That heada-che ex+cuse won',t get her- out of doing it+ tonight., Learn how -sex impro*ves you.r health. You +have a 6%+ chance of ha.ving asth,ma if neith+er parent. has the c,ondition'. Are y,ou protected? _Obesity doe,s -not have to r+uin your, life; proper exer-ci_se and diet c-an over_come it. Do it. now!, Swimming +is an optimal exe*rcise for t,hose w*ith asthma.. Think 'twice before +make 'your choice! Twent.y millio.n America+n men suffer+ from *some form of er.ect'ile dysfunction. +Are+ you 1 of. them? I don't ,need *neither miracl_es, no*r magic to have g.reat .sex at the a_ge of 55! _All I need' is… B+eing overweigh_t is a* risk factor fo-r heart disea-se. It a-lso te*nds to increase+ your ch.olesterol. addiction is, becoming -one ,of the most .common fo*rms of drug 'addicti.on. More w_omen over -45 have h,igh cholesterol -than m*en. It is a _good r-eason to, take care now! .It sometime-s ta*kes time and c_are t-o get things exact+ly right w,hen+ taking pain reli+ef m_edication. You+r ag.e, activity, gene_s and psyc'hologi*cal makeu,p determin,e your p*redisposition to e+xtra* weight! Food, aller_gens can +crop up in t*he least suspe+cted *products, incl+uding bea+n bag ch.airs, lea,rn more... It is_ vitally im'portant' for yo+ur health to o+bserve doctor.'s, instructions whe-n ta_king painkillers,. Not b,eing active is. *a risk fact-or for he*art disease. Physic,al 'activity can hel.p lower ,chol.esterol. M_y lifestyle is not_ health+y enough but -I am s,ure, I'm 'far from the_ risk of 'obesity. .Everything is T-est know your' cholesterol+ because* lowe+ring it lessens ,the_ risk for develo-pin_g heart disease! C*ho-lesterol can bui-ld up 'on the in,side the blo'od vessels o.f you,r heart. That'+s no w*ay healthy!+ There are many my+t_hs about painkiller's, 'especially s+trong pai,nkillers such' as morph+ine. As*k your doctor w.hat he- thinks abo,ut the 'antibiotics you t'ake.+ May be yo.u'll be surpris'ed. A_bout 75% o,f patients wit*h asthma al'so have- frequent- gastroesophage*al -reflux disease.+ Antibiot,ics must be' taken for, the ful+l amount o-f time prescrib.ed by -your doc*tor. Wa-tch out! Severe a,llerg_ens require sev+ere meas.ures!_ We offer you t+o try o'ur innovativ+e allergy treat.ment. Do' you cough *or w,heeze after ex'ercising? If. so, you ma'y have *exercise-indu.ced as,thma. N,ot all alle,rgy treat,ment options are .truste_d and popula,r! A.nd sure not al+l of them+ are effective+. I d+on't need neith,er miracle-s, nor mag.ic to have .great s,ex at the 'age of+ 55! All I need* is… W_hat are t,he most pop,ular meth+ods of erectile +dysf_unction treatmen*t? Learn mo+re n*ow! If y*ou're tired of c+ounti,ng every single _calorie, _try out our_ n,ew obesity treatm_ent me_dication*. Erectile d-ysfunct'ion may be cau_sed by ph_ysical factor's, psyc-hological fac'tors or by me_dicatio.ns. Y_our age, activit*y, ge+nes and psyc-hologic_al makeup d'etermine your p-redis,position to *extra w.eight! Ph-ysical illness is* a ma,jor contributory ,fact,or in m.en developing me+ntal de-pressive conditi.ons.' Antibiotics wi_ll, not cure viral .illnesses, s-uch as: sor,e_ throats not _caused by strep+, run_ny noses.* An esti_mated 97 million_ Amer_icans suffer - 5_9 millio,n are overwei.ght & 38 mi'llion are .o.bese. Antibiotic's will- not cure v_iral illn*esses, such as: c,old, s'tomach f,lu and some ea-r inf_ections! May -be it's' time to find o-ut what is _the reas*on of yo+ur obesity. L.ear how to ,control you-r weig*ht now! Mo*ving to ano_ther ,location is* no guarant,ee of relie+f for aller*gy Do+n't hurry to m+ove. Antibiot*ics are, the first lin_e o+f defense against- many in'fections.. But t.hey do n.ot affect viru'ses. Some pe'ople -stay on the sa*me do_se of painkiller.s for many- months 'and the dru-g is stil_l effectiv'e. Since t_he time when' I started ,taking th,is amazing- medicatio'n, w.omen call me 'pas_sion'! A mo+re .effective do'se or a +different dru+g can be use,d if you dos-e is not en-ough to st+op pain.. Since, pain_kille+rs are us.ed as medicine t*hey -cannot be banne.d like t*he other l,ethal drug's. Wh.en asthma* symptoms get more- intense, and/or. additio,nal symptom-s appear, t_his is an atta,ck. Men wi+th erectil+e dysfunc*tion have* new hope. W_e will break+ the dis_ease down fo.r you, fo.r sure. Few_ _years in a new+ location,+ make people s'ensitized t'o _new environm+ent and asthma r_eturns_. Asthma is .best c,ontroll-ed by having an _asthma mana+gement -plan des*igned by you+r docto_r. Asthma t-ends to ,get worse at nigh,t. Noctu+rnal asthma at.tacks occu,r while *a pe*rson is sl+eeping. Both p*artners ca_n suffe.r if ere_ctile dysfunc*tion goes *untreated. Be 'responsible. to your+ partner. M+ost +researcher.s believe t,hat different *patt,erns of asthma are. all rela*ted to_ one condition.' H+ypersensit*ive immune syst,ems are .at risk as they_ are more p.rone to vari,ous a+llergens. M*en are. less likely, to seek medical_ att*ention than* women. And th+eir pro_blems r.emain uncured. -Early+ asthma warning. sign.s include w*heezing or co-ughing after 'exercise, , moody. Yo*u may be* given other 'medicines| ,such a+s antidepress+ant drugs t_o take with y'our pai,nkiller's. Don',t be stupid to m.iss .the chance to bu*y be,st erectile dy.sfunction -drug at ha+lf price! Is -your n+atural hormone- production- en.ough to have sex* se'veral times per' night? Check' out! Sinc-e .painkillers h'ave been discov.ered peopl+e all+ over the world* t_ake them every day.* Even_ with _advances in trea+tment, as'thma deat_hs amon+g young pe,ople have more *that doub.led. The mai.n diffe'rence of t'his impot'ence trea+tment is th+at it reall,y works! See y,ourself! Me+n with -erectile 'dysfunction. have new *hope. We+ will b+reak the dise*ase down- for you, for s+ure. Overwe_ight & o.besity '.re def,ined as abnorma+l or e.xcessive fat+ accumulation. that* impair health. Ch,olester'ol is a fat_-like mate*rial .in your .blood. And your b.ody ma,kes its own 'choleste+rol… Best way to. chole*sterol in kids i's wi_th a diet a_nd exercis+e program involvi_ng t_he fami_ly. Fighting ob-esity rem*ember, +that loosin_g weight too .quickly is no +good! Don'-t get t-oo ke*en. Though+ not curable, as*thma 'can be co_ntrolled wi+th drugs and. by av.oiding conta,ct with tri+ggers. All.ergy treatment o+ptions var,y _from person' to a person. We 'are p+roud to_ offer yo-u a new drug! Peop'le who get _all'ergic sympt-oms the winter se-ason ma.y be allergic t.o mold s-pores. Swim_ming is an .optimal 'exer-cise for tho+se with -asthma. Think twic_e bef+ore make your +cho+ice! If you ar.e ready to- make +certain chan*ges in your l_ifes_tyle to lo*se weight you are .like-ly to succ_eed. If a pe*rson is+ allergic to flow,er pollen h.e obvious+ly sh'ould try' our brand new all+ergy med*ici+ne. It's a wel,l-known fact th_at older- adult-s who suffer fro.m asthma h,ave *poorer lu+ng function. Yo.u wan,t to know w_hether the imp*otence medi_catio'n I take -works? Ask my *wife, she'l,l tell! Eve-n .if you can bear- the pain it'.s better, t sto-p it with ,pain killing 'medic*ation that .to suffer., Remember, red'ucing .the amount of +fat i*n your die't helps lower *your blo.od cholester*ol level. S-tudies- show that men+ between_ the of 40 and 70* face .severe prob-lems wit+h potency. Your t+otal *body fat determ*ines your h,ealth co.ndition an+d yo*ur wellbeing. Wh-at's ab+out that, man? +At pre*sent we talk- a lot +about antibiot_ic medicines'. But -how much. do you know a'bout it? +Stop ,waiting for _bacteria -to catch you by ,su+rprise! Try ,our super ,effective a*ntibiotic and ,relax! We.ight regain _after -obesit.y treatment i_s quite a normal, thing, bu_t I ,know how to main'tain- weight+! Let your docto'r choose- the most ,approp-riate plan for* you t_o get rid _of those extr.a kilos of fat*. The-re are no+ cures for aller.gies._ Allergie*s can be +managed wit+h proper .prevention and t.reatment. . The _lesser known effe*cts o'f obesit+y may include Pa,rkinson'-s disease, a ,neuro-logical disor,der. -One of the most c.ommon al_lergy ca,uses is her*edita_ry factor! Check +your family' history no+w!' If your chi,ld prod+uces whistling o'r hissin'g sounds with _each bre.ath, may be. its asthma* atta+ck. If you are_ one of o*ur subs_cribed c'ustomers -don't miss your g-reat op_portuniti,es! Your daily_ calorie i.ntak,e can be .the key poin't in your stru_ggle with se-ver_e obesity. Try* it out now! P'eop'le tend to ove,reat .all the time and _fi_nally many of' them become_ obese. *Is it your p'ath as. well? Your_ symptom*s may be mild duri*ng on+e asthma atta,ck and s_evere du'ring ano*ther one. You+r penis deser-ves a ,better life,! Make a' great gift for it, – buy- our prem.ium medi*cine! How. much weight _would you _like t'o loose as a resul_t ,of obesity trea*tment? It's a*ll poss-ible, man. R_ecognizing_ th*ese signs, yo_u can stop a-n asthma a+ttack or pre+vent one fro_m gettin*g worse.' The key to, effective 'antibio+tic treatm*ent is to 'use the weakes-t antibiot*ic to, do the jo.b first. I_f you want to' get r_id of ob*esity changes .in your, eating and a-ctivit-y habits may .not be eff_ective! Losing, weig*ht throu+gh a healthy d-iet and regul-ar exercise, is muc.h better than+ wei-ght-loss- surgery. Th+e more you know _ab+out your medicat_ion befor*e takin-g it the .better for y.ou! Believe m-e! You can n+ever _imagine any a'dult who has+ n'ot yet been pr.escribed a *cours-e of antib_iotics. I .can not fin.d the tim-e for exercising a'nd 'cooking health_y food-. But I hope I .will nev-er get o*bese! You cannot, out_grow asthma. The _symptoms, ,how*ever, may- reoccur an.ytime in adultho'od. I_ know w-hat you need, to stop' impotence playi_ng d-irty tricks o.n your sexua'l life, du,de! When yo+u are tak'ing painkil+lers be. sure to ta_ke them. regularly as *prescrib'ed by your doc'tor. Disc*over whic,h forms of* exercise, are best for, people wi*th 'asthma and how+ to control' it. I kno*w nothin.g about the ingr_edien-ts tha+t are included int-o thi,s antibiotic, b'ut* it really w_orks! Any antibi-otic can .cause a+ntibiotic-assoc*iated col*itis. Be r,eady t*o consul_t with your docto-r! Thora_zine (_Chlorpromazi-ne) gerifort*e Cozaar —* Diabetic Neph*ropathy, -High Blo+od Pressur,e, Hypertens_ion, Dia*betes, Stroke., .Stroke Risk, +Left Ventri'cular Hy+pertrophy+ caduet P_rednisolone — 'Asthm,a, Uveitis, Py.oderma *Gangrenosum, R'heumatoid Arth,ritis, -Ulcerative .Colit-is, Temporal Arte-rit-is, Crohn',s Disease, Be+ll's Palsy, Mu,lt-iple Sclerosi.s, Cluster H+eada-ches, Vasculitis, *Acu,te Lymphoblas-tic Leukemia, ,Autoimmune ,Hepatitis_, Systemic 'Lupus E*rythe_matosus, Derm_atomyosi-tis kler*imid lotrisone Tap+eworm,s erymax Erythr'omyci*n (Robimycin,, E-Mycin, E.E..S*. Granules, E.E*.S.-200, E.E.'S.,-400, E.E.S.-400 _Filmtab-, Erymax, Ery--Tab, E*ryc, +Ranbaxy, Er.ypar, EryPed,, Eryped 200, Er_yped 400', E+rythrocin Ste_arate Filmtab, E'ryt'hrocot, *E-Base, Erythrope,d, Ilos'one, MY-E, Ped'iam+ycin, Zineryt,' Abbot) Z.etia (Ezetimib.e, Ez-etrol) 'mebedal Chronic +Rena'l Failure Infarc*tion R.isk comedo.nes avapro Bactr,oban [ba,ctroban] (,mupiroc*in, Turixin, C-entany) dup_rost 'Metronid_azole Gel [m'etronidaz-olegel] (Flagy'l, +Metrogel, -Metrogyl) d_eprax Acular ('Ketorolac, k+etorolac tr*omethami,ne) Ginseng +— Adaptoge+n, S-tress Resi,stance fam,otidine BPH pr_ednesol Re+ctal Bl-eeding gynec*omast_ia Bone Metastases ' [pimozid+e] (Orap, m*ozep,) Cozaar (Losart,an) .Chloroqu-ine [chloroquine,] (aralen, A.vloclo.r, Cadi*quin, Delagil,, Lagaquin, Mal_aquin, M.alarex, Mal*arivon,, Mali+aquine, Maq*uine, Nivaquine, R+es.ochin, Chlorquin') Vytorin. (Ezetimib+e/Simvastat,in, I.negy) kid*ney function Tetr+acyc+line (Sumycin, .Terramy+cin, Te-tracyn, Pa.nmycin) micard*is Kytril — C_ancer, +Chemotherap,y, Nause_a, Vomit*ing Evista (Ra_loxifene) +Elidel, Cream — _Atopic Dermatiti*s, Eczema *Arcoxia [.arcoxia] (E.t*oricoxib, Algix', Tauxib, -pain) Quick--Detox Weeke,nd Princ.e [weekendpri-nce] isoki+n leukor'rhea Cyclosp+o'rine Eye D+rops — Dry Eye,, Tear ,Production, Kerato-conjunct.ivitis .Sicca *Triamterene —. Edema, 'Fluid Ret'ention, Diu'retic, High -Blood Pre'ssure, Hyp'ertension_ Purim Hydro'chlorot_hiazide (.Apo-Hydro, Aquaz-ide H, Dichlo+tride, _Hydro'diuril, HydroS-aluric,' Microzi'de, Oretic_, Moduretic, Inderi,de,+ Dyazide, Aldac+tazide, Al,dori+l, HCTZ, HCT, H_ZT) Famili'al Me'diterranean Fev*er prometh*azine Anov,ulati_on Ïîêàçàòü êàòåã.îðèçè,ðîâàííûì 'ñïèñêîì , Acute Coronary _Syndrome' Tenosynov-itis Ker+atitis tenormi+n Glu.cosamine +& Chondroitin' (Chondro-itin Sulfate,_ glucosamin_e sulfate)+ so*minex Lipotrexate —. Weig-ht Loss, .Obesity filarias'i's Inderal '(Propranol*ol, Inderal LA-, Avlocardy'l, Derali,n, Dociton,_ Inderalici,, InnoPran XL_, Sumial,* Anaprilinu'm) memor_y aneurysm _Theo.phylline (dim,ethyl.xanthine, .Uniphyl) r+izatriptan' gas HIV Tes,t — HIV, Te-st Atopic De_rmatitis+ In Dogs Mefloq+uin_e (Lariam) Low L-ibido T+etracycl,ine [tetracycl,ine] (Sumyc,in, Terr-amycin, T'etracyn, Pan.mycin) hy*pokalemia 'Pelvic Inflam+matory *Disease Lipi*tor (A_torvastatin, At_o'rlip, Lipva*s, Sortis, Torvas't, Torvaca*rd, Total_ip, Tul_ip, lipittor*, lipator, li+ptor) Ear *Mi*te Micohex Shampoo_ (_Malaseb, Chlorh*exidine Gluc*onate, M-iconazole' nitrate) feb*antel- Dementi_a Dexamethasone. (decadron, _Dectanc+yl, Dexamonoz*on, D*exona, Dexa+sone, *Diodex, Forte_cortin, Maxidex', Oradexon,- .Wymesone, DexPak) 'Gasex ['gasex] Gener_al Health. levono,rgestrel/e*thinyl estra.diol Skelaxin+ [s-kelaxin] (-Metaxalone, pain+, muscle r'elaxer, mu,scle re-laxant) gins-eng Hem_ophilia Atten'tion-+Deficit H_yperactivity Disor,der Zan_aflex+ — Spasticit-y, Muscle Re_laxant,_ Muscle Spasms, -Pai_n, Fibromyalg+ia Eczema Thyroi*d Suregas.m acticin C,re_stor — Chole+sterol, Ath_eroscl.erosis, Hypertri_glyceride'mia, Tr+iglycerides, Hig,h Ch,olesterol*, LDL, HDL Le*an Tea Organ, Rejection* I Imitre_x — Mig,raine, Pain, He*ada'che advair_ Prinivil [-prinivil] (Lisino-pril, Tenso.p'ril, Zestril, Hipri'l,+ Carace, .lisinopril. hctz, lisinaopril)+ Caf,ergot [cafergot]* (er.gotamine tartra.te, caffein+e) thread'worm Stomac.h Pain t-rane-xamic acid Heart_ Ur-sodiol Glucotrol +XL (Glip.izide', glucotrol)+ Levaquin (Le,vofloxacin,_ Tavanic, *Gat-igol, Leb+act, Terlev*, Cravit, Lev'ox, Levores) -Glyburid+e — ,Diabetes, *Blood Sugar sarot_en Lov+astatin (Diluc-id, L,iperol, Lovastin*, Mediso_rbin, Medos_tatin, Mevac-or, Me-vinacor+, Rovaco_r, Altoprev) *Selegil,ine (Eldep'ryl, Emsam, Zelap_ar) quies,s Zantac [zan*tac] (Ran*itidin_e, His*tac, Ranit'il) dixarit buspir'one tredol ,rumala.ya X X'alatan (Lat_anoprost) L-evaquin [l'evaquin] (L'evofloxacin, _Tavanic, G_atigol, L'ebact, Terlev_, Cravit,, Levox, _Levo-res) Osteoarthr'itis St+rattera — ADHD,' At'tention-Defic,it Hyperactivi*ty Dis+order cor'vo methocarbamo.l Sumenta di+phenhi,st Sle'epWell [sleepwe,ll] (Slee_p well, sleep,, sleep'ing aid, +sleep ai*ds, sleep aid, s_leeping) P+heochr+omocyto'ma Fleas A.ccutane — Acne, .Skin Health _Yaz (C+risan_ta LS) (dr.ospirenone,* ethinyl estradi_ol) Amebia-sis +Viagra — Erec+tile Dys_function, M,ale Enhance-ment, Erec-tion, Impote-nce Eating D+isorder D+ogs Folic* Acid+ (Vitami_n B9) [folicaci*d] (fol.acin) Pain Atrip+la [at'ripla] (efavirenz, .emtricitab*ine,- tenofovi_r) Hyzaar (-losartan + _hydrochlorthiaz*i_de) (Losartan, H*ydrochlorothi*azide) * pinworms .thyroid' Pheromone +Perfume for Wo*men (and.rostenone) a-valide Ad_hesiv,e Capsul'itis Dulcol*ax (Bisacodyl) _lida+ mantle imiprex n'oroxin luc,en Elavil *[elavil]' (Am-itryptilyn, Amitrip,, Tryptan,ol,, Endep, Elatr.ol, Tryptizol., T*repiline, Laroxyl, ,Saroten, T_rip.tyl, amitriptyli+ne)- Nexium — ,Gastroesoph*ageal Reflux_ Diseas+e, GERD, Erosive *Esophagitis,, Gastri-c Ulcers', Duode.nal Ulcer, Zo.llinger-E+llison Sy_ndrome m_enopause Panadol .Extra _[panadolextr-a] (acetamin+ophen, p*araceta*mol) kapikachhu
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Lulu's Fresh Art Market

Lulu's Fresh Art Market
I will be appearing at Lulu's Fresh Art Market every Saturday, when possible, selling my artwork.

Lulu has done a wonderful service for aspiring and established artists. As her website says, "LuLu's Fresh Art Market is featured every Saturday from 12PM-5PM. LuLu's presents a celebration of art, music, and fun on the beach! Come and enjoy an afternoon of viewing arts and crafts from local artists. Hand crafted jewelry, handbags, pottery, and paintings may be purchased to accessorize you or to add to the beauty of your home. The LuLu's Fresh Art Market is designed to benefit our local schools. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Baldwin County Public Schools fine arts departments in hopes of creating more amazing artists to add to the area that we are so proud to call home! Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase fabulous creations from these talented artists, and help students receive what they need to take their education to a higher level!"

Hope to see you at Lulu's - as there is a tremendous amount of talent there, not to mention the original "Cheeseburger in Paradise" and the best Fried Green Tomatoes you'll ever eat!